What is a chakra?


A chakra is an energy centre in our body. They take care of the fact that the energy we absorb from around us and from our nutrition reaches the organs in our body. There are seven main chakra's and several small ones. When we draw chakra's we only draw the main ones. The names of the main ones are:

  1. The base chakra
  2. The hara chakra
  3. The solar plexus chakra
  4. The hear chakra
  5. The throat chakra
  6. The third-eye chakra
  7. The crown chakra
The base chakra is the first one and his place is at your coccyx while the last one, the crown chakra, is placed at the top of your head. All the other chakra's lye in between the first and the last one, around your colon. Energy roads connected chakra's with each other. So if one chakra isn't working right the energy flow will be disturbed. By drawing the different kind of chakra's you can open the energy flows again and in away heal your self.
Chakra places

Every chakra has his own color and base shape. These shapes are based up on numbers. So when we draw a particular chakra we use base shape corresponding with his number as well as the typical colors for this chakra.