Career Profiles

Check out these cool careers that people in our community work at every day. If you see an e-mail address, you are welcome to contact the adult to ask him/her more about the profession. If you enjoy reading about careers, or if you did not see a career that interests you, here's a Web site with lots of other career profiles and other job related activities Click on the box that interests you, or just browse the page for interesting jobs.

engineering careers

medical careers

business careers

careers in education

community workers

Engineering Careers


Electrical Engineer

Job Title: Systems Integration Manager

Years of Service: 21

Education: Four year college degree, Master's of Science in Electrical Engineering

Job Description: Manage projects from beginning through completion. Design electrical systems for the aerospace industry. Design and build test fixtures for electrical assemblies for airplanes and space vehicles. Calculate the reliability of the equipment designed. Perform experiments to test the failure rate of designed products and analyze the effects of the results on the product. Test systems for electromagnet compatibility with other equipment. Write proposals and reports for electrical products.

A typical day on the job: The day begins at 7:00 a.m. writing a schedule for the day's work to be done. Then, if necessary, meetings are held for about 1 1/2 hours to discuss and report on current and upcoming projects. The remainder of the day is spent in the office working on the project at hand. Work ends at 4:30 p.m.

The most interesting part of the job: Simulating new designs on the computer is interesting.

The most challenging part of the job: Building the first prototype (model) and making it work.

Advice for someone choosing this career: Learn from every experience you and never waste time. To be an electrical engineer you must stay informed about the latest novelties and technology.



Name: Will Palmer

e-mail address:

Job Title: Design Engineer

Years of Service: 22

Education: Four year college degree

Job Description: I design circuits that are used to amplify signals through fiber optic systems.

A typical day on the job: I get to work at 7:30 a.m. First I check and respond to my e-mail. In the morning I I test circuits to make sure they are working properly. After lunch I spend my afternoons writing reports about the results of the tests I ran in the morning. Work ends for me around 4:00 p.m.

The most interesting part of the job: I enjoy designing new prototypes (models).

The most challenging part of the job: It is difficult to keep up with all the changes in the industry. I have to read and study all the time to keep current.

Advice for someone choosing this career: Go to college and study hard. Take as many math classes as you can.

Automobile Restorer

Name: Jason Naso (Jason is a college student)

e-mail address: kitfix12@ (find out more about going to college and studying to be an engineer)

Job Title:

Company: Falchetta Auto restoration

Years of Service: 2 1/2

Education: high school, currently a college student studying engineering

Job Description: I use math skills and properties of science to restore damaged vehicles to their original condition. I use geometry and the properties of metals a lot in my restoration work.

A typical day on the job: I work with machinery to rebuild and restore car parts to their original condition. I also paint automobiles and have learned to use the special equipment for that purpose. I have also learned to weld parts onto cars.

The most interesting part of the job: I enjoy becoming acquainted with automotive design.

The most challenging part of the job: It becomes challenging when my work borders on becoming art. It is also challenging to balance the cost of restoration against the price that has to be charged to the customer.

Advice for someone choosing this career: I am studying to be a mechanical engineer and I think that working in this industry will help me in the future because I want to become a car designer. I thinks that knowing typical design failures and short comings will help me in the future when I design car myself. I recommend that students volunteer or work in businesses that interest them before they actually go into the career. When you work in the field you get to know if you will like doing that for many years.


Name: Peter Ponzio

Job Title: owner/builder

Company: Ponzio Construction Inc.

Years of Service: 20

Education: high school and hands-on experience from my father. I also have a background in engineering, architecture, and construction design.

Job Description: I construct new homes, development projects, residential renovations and additions to all ready existing homes.

A typical day on the job: I'm up and on the go by 7:00 a.m. I meet my crew at 7:15 and we organize ourselves for the day. The plan for the day often depends on the weather forecast since I work inside and outside. There is often a lot of delegation of responsibility because I usually have more than one project going at a time. We break for lunch at 11:30 and begin cleaning up the job site at 4:00 p.m.

The most interesting part of the job: I enjoy the layout and design of new construction.

The most challenging part of the job: Designing new additions to fit the character and architecture of older homes.

Advice for someone choosing this career: Try to get some experience over the summer working with a builder to make sure it is something you would like to do. Take woodworking as an elective in high school. If you choose to go to college, major in construction design, architecture, or engineering depending on how advanced a level you wish to pursue in this field.


Business Careers

Stock Broker

Name: Louis Studer

Job Title: Specialties Broker

Company: Wagner Stat Mercrader

Years of Service: 18

Education: college degree

Job Description: My job is to maintain a fair an orderly market so other traders can trade with each other.

A typical day on the job: I start my day at 8:00 a.m. reading the news and researching companies and markets till 9:00 a.m. From 9:00-9:30 I do pre-market opening preparation. From 9-4:00 p.m. I trade stocks, then I go back to my office to check the news and call companies until 5:00 p.m.

The most interesting part of the job: The New York Stock Exchange is a very exciting atmosphere which is interesting to me.

The most challenging part of the job: The job is very fast paced, so keep up with the volume of trades is challenging.

Advice for someone choosing this career: Get an education with a good balance between technical skills and general knowledge of areas like history and English.

Business Manager

Name: Larry Lundy

e-mail address:

Job Title: Vice President of Business Management

Company: National Network Technology

Years of Service: 4

Education: college degree and 5-10 years business experience

Job Description: I manage the administration of telecommunications construction contracts to ensure that there is proper billing of clients and that our company also makes a profit.

A typical day on the job: I start my day by checking my e-mails. I then review the report that tells me how much money each of my customers owe my company. Next I review the report that tells me how much money the company owes our suppliers. I then write a report on each specific project and meet with the managers of those projects.

The most interesting part of the job: I like seeing how the information highway is expanding and helping to build pieces of it.

The most challenging part of the job: It becomes challenging when I have to manage a lot of different projects at the same time.

Advice for someone choosing this career: Get an education with a good balance between technical skills and general knowledge of areas like history and English.

Director of AT&T

Name: Harold Ciamillo

Job Title: Consumer Operations Process Director

Company: AT&T

Years of Service: 18

Education: college degree + a Master's degree

Job Description: My job is science oriented because I work with telephones and computers. I take care of the customers and their complaints. I spend a lot of time on the computer.

A typical day on the job: I go to work at 9:00 a.m. I first check my messages before I go to my computer. I handle all consumer complaints and interests and do paper work related to the consumers' needs. If necessary, I attend meetings for my department.

The most challenging part of the job: Dealing with customers, their needs, and concerns is a big challenge.

Advice for someone choosing this career: I would say that if you keep trying you will be good at your job.

Business Manager

Name: Larry Lundy

e-mail address:

Job Title: Vice President of Business Management

Company: National Network Technology

Years of Service: 4

Education: college degree and 5-10 years business experience

Job Description: I manage the administration of telecommunications construction contracts to ensure that there is proper billing of clients and that our company also makes a profit.

A typical day on the job: I start my day by checking my e-mails. I then review the report that tells me how much money each of my customers owe my company. Next I review the report that tells me how much money the company owes our suppliers. I then write a report on each specific project and meet with the managers of those projects.

The most interesting part of the job: I like seeing how the information highway is expanding and helping to build pieces of it.

The most challenging part of the job: It becomes challenging when I have to manage a lot of different projects at the same time.

Advice for someone choosing this career: Get an education with a good balance between technical skills and general knowledge of areas like history and English.


Name: Reiko Farrelly

e-mail address:

Job Title: Japenese-English interpreter

Company: SDF

Years of Service: 12

Education: simultaneous interpreting school and on-the-job-training

Job Description: I drive into Manhattan to my Japanese clients' offices and translate business meetings from Japanese to English and English to Japanese for the executives. I also interpret seminars and grand openings of factories (car plants).

A typical day on the job: I start my day at about 7:00 a.m. driving to NYC to meet my clients. I accompany the clients to investment banks and fund management firms. These banks will help my clients raise the money they need to build new factories in the US. I interpret what my clients are saying and what the bankers say in response. The bankers ask my clients a lot of questions about their finances and I need to interpret the questions and answers. If the bankers like my clients they will add their company to their list of stocks to buy and then they will be able to build the factory.

The most interesting part of the job: I like getting to know different types of industries from computers to cosmetics.

The most challenging part of the job: The biggest challenge is figuring out exactly what the two parties want to say to each other. All languages have words that mean more than one thing, humor is especially hard to interpret, but it is my job to say what needs to be said.

Advice for someone choosing this career: It is important to be able to speak at least two languages. In my business it is important to specialize in a field such as accounting, law, or another industry so you become familiar with the words used in that business.

Jewelry Salesperson

Name: Kathy Kasper

e-mail address:

Job Title: Jewelry Processor

Company: Fortunoff

Years of Service: 18

Education: high school diploma and experience in the sales field

Job Description: I work in the special orders department where I have to work on computers listing vendors and style numbers of merchandise that customers are interested in ordering. I also handle customer service problems and jewelry repair requests.

A typical day on the job: I enter all layaways, repairs, inquiries, and special orders that people place into the computer. I also have to answer the telephone when customers want to check on the status of their order or jewelry repair. I have to take care of customer complaints as well as ship jewelry to customers.

The most interesting part of the job: I enjoy the work that I do. I like seeing the new pieces and styles of jewelry that come in and I like solving problems.

The most challenging part of the job: Satisfying difficult customers is the most challenging part of my job.

Advice for someone choosing this career: I would tell someone that in this business you must be patient and skilled particularly in the customer service part of my job. You will need to take classes in gold, gems, and other precious metals.




Name: Mary Ann Sommerstad

e-mail address:

Job Title: Seventh and Eighth Grade English Teacher

Company: Miller Place School District

Years of Service: 27

Education: college degree and Master's Degree

Job Description: I teach five classes of English each day. My concentration is on teaching my students reading and writing skills. Each class is 45 minutes in length with 25-30 students in each class. I have to write lesson plans, correct papers, oversee assignments, meet with parents, teachers, administrators, and students.

A typical day on the job: When I am in class with my students we will talk about the story or book we are reading. I assign class work and homework which we check in class. I allow the students to check each others papers and peer edit.

The most interesting part of the job: I like working with the many different people I come in contact with during the day.

The most challenging part of the job: Correcting all the papers the students give me is the most challenging part of my job.

Advice for someone choosing this career: Students who would like to become teachers should find their own teaching style so that they can be themselves in the classroom. Also, when you become a teachers prepared ahead of time so you are ready when the students enter your room.



Community Workers


Name: Sharonda Jefferson

Job Title: homemaker

Years of Service: 5

Education: high school diploma and 2 years of college

Job Description: I take care of the house we live in and my children.

A typical day on the job: I wake up early each morning and prepare breakfast fro my children and husband. I drop my children at day care, return home,clean the house and do the laundry. I shop for groceries and run errands before beginning to prepare dinner and picking the children up from day care. When we arrive back home, we go over school work and play. The it's time for dinner, baths, and bed time. Finally, I get the children's clothes ready for the next day.

The most interesting part of the job: I like playing with my children.

The most challenging part of the job: Deciding what to prepare for dinner.

Advice for someone choosing this career: Students who would like to become teachers should find their own teaching style so that they can be themselves in the classroom. Also, when you become a teachers prepared ahead of time so you are ready when the students enter your room.


Security Guard

Name: Tony Massey

Occupation: security guard

Job Title: Security Guard Manager

Company name: First Protection Security

Years of Service: 6

Education: high school diploma

Job Description: I protect various locations from people trespassing on my client's property.

A typical day on the job: I walk the entire property looking for trespassers and checking to make sure all gates and doors are locked.

The most interesting part of the job: I like meeting new clients.

The most challenging part of the job: Trying to locate an intruder.

Advice for someone choosing this career: To be successful at this job you have to be in good physical shape.

Child Care Provider

Name: Karen Davis

Occupation: child care provider

Company name: Ms. Davis' Kids

Years of Service: 5

Education: high school diploma

Job Description: I take care of the needs of the children in our center and provide a fun filled learning environment.

A typical day on the job: I feed, change, entertain, and teach the children in my care.

The most interesting part of the job: I like watching the children play, laugh, and having a good time.

The most challenging part of the job: Trying to make an unhappy child happy.

Advice for someone choosing this career: To be successful at this job you have to be very patient.

Medical Careers


Name: Donna Lynn Fellenberg

e-mail address:

Job Title: private practitioner

Company: self-employed

Years of Service: 15

Education: college degree,Master's Degree + 4 years post Graduate work

Job Description: I provide a range of mental health services including: psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, and counseling for individuals, couples, and groups.

A typical day on the job: Typically, on any given day I have morning and evening hours to see patients. In between appointments I leave time for paper work, phone calls with doctors and colleagues to coordinate treatment and meetings. The patients I see have a range of problems from mild depression to psychosis. I treat patients 18 years and older.

The most interesting part of the job: Being a part of a person's psychological growth is both interesting and fulfilling to me.

The most challenging part of the job: Maintaining my energy and empathy levels is a constant challenge after 15 years of doing this work.

Advice for someone choosing this career: If you are thinking about this filed of work you should make sure that you have a good analysis yourself with a certified psychoanalyst.

Pharmaceutical Marketing

Name: Kathleen Milligan

e-mail address:

Occupation: pharmaceutical marketer

Job Title: Executive Director of Strategy and Planning, primary care market

Company name: Roche laboratories Inc.

Years of Service: 20

Education: college degree + Master's in Business Administration

Job Description: It is my job to make sure that doctors prescribe and patients use our medicines.

A typical day on the job: Meeting, meetings, meetings! Marketing people generally set direction and coordinate the activities of large teams. Most of my day is spent meeting with my colleagues to plan and care out our marketing strategy. I usually begin my day at 8:30 a.m. and leave at 6:30 p.m. and then do paperwork at home.

The most interesting part of the job: I like learning about the medicines we develop in our labs. I am also interested in meeting the needs of doctors and their patients. I feel good about improving the health and well being of patients.

The most challenging part of the job: Trying to simplify the biology and chemistry involved in producing a medication so that all people can understand the medication's use. I also find truly understanding patient needs challenging.

Advice for someone choosing this career: Study hard, especially science and math. Practice good listening skills. Finally, learn how to plan and carry out long term projects and practice working on teams.