Board of Directors

The members of the Morris Mellman Club would like to take a moment to thank the officers how have served in all of the fifity plus past years. In the late 1940's, family clubs where a fad, today we stand out. Our events are well attended and cater to the diverse interests of the entire family.

2000 Officers

President Hilton Epstein
1st Vice President Debra Amira
2nd Vice President Marilyn Lipman
3rd Vice President James Singman
Treasurer Hessie Needle
Financial Secretary Millie Mellman
Recording Secretary Bernard Mellman
Social Secretary Claire Sue Hack
Corresponding Secretary Shirley Langfeld
Sergeant at Arms Daniel Wachsstock
Chaplain Bruce Frank, M.D.

Parliamentarian Molly Portman

It's that time again!

The nominating committee will be meeting soon. If you would like to be on the board, let Radine know.

The Morris Mellman Club Home Page | The December Event | The History of the Mellman Club | Pictures of the Family | Jewish Links | The MMC Calendar | In Memoriam | Contact Us | Board of Directors | 2000 Calendar of events