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Lauren's Spot
Shiloh's Spot
Shani's Spot
Josh's Spot
AJ's Spot

These are two of the crafts I do with my kids when we have time. Enjoy!



Materials: super glue
                pipe cleaner
                two colored beads
                coffee filter
                clothes pin
                spray bottle with water

Directions: Lay the coffee filter flat, and color designs on it with the markers. Spray it with water to make the colors run slightly. Let dry. Gather in the filter in the middle and clip in clothes pin. Cut a piece of pipe cleaner to use as antennae. Glue beads to each end and pinch middle in end of clothes pin. You can decorate more by adding little eyes, etc. to your clothes pin.

Make these little butterflies to hang on your windows, walls, doors, etc. They make a bright colorful decoration any where.

Thanks to Lauren (my 12 year old) for this craft that you can enjoy with your kids.


Handmade Decorative Soaps

Materials:   Clear Glycerin Bars
                    Soap Dye (I got mine at Michaels)
                    Perfume or Soap Scents (Again, Thanks to Michaels}
                    Oatmeal, Powdered Milk, etc.
                    Plastic molds. (Any one that you can push on)

Directions: Heat the glycerin bars in the microwave for a short time (only until melted}. This usually takes about 40 seconds. The pour it into the desired mold and swirl in your choice of dyes and scents to make it look and smell the way you like it. Let it cool for 1 hour (longer for larger molds). Gently push the completed bar from the mold and you're done!