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If you're in the mood to surf the web, check out some of these sites. They are worth the visit! Have a good trip, and stop back often to see changes to this site!

A Holiday Home Page This is a wonderful holiday connection! There are great crafts and links to other holiday pages. 

All Advantage The rules have changed! Get paid to surf the web!!! This is REAL cool!

PenPal34 has a cool site that you can visit to sign up for an internet penpal of your own.

KTVT This is the local CBS Affiliate Station for the area where I live. They have some really cool links!

The Ten Forward This one is a great Star Trek site for all you Trekkies out there.

Carol Gammill's Site This lady is quite an artist! Go here to check out some of her stuff.

WildRose's House For some old-fashioned down home values and fun crafts, visit this one soon!

America's Most Wanted Visit this site often to find out about the most wanted people in America!