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No. 14 June 28, 1999 Absolutely Free

Convincing evidence. The Witness Protection Program. Some mobsters perform a hit, some people see them do it, so the mobsters plan to hit the witnesses before they testify to what they saw. It's nothing personal. It's just to suppress the truth.

If the witnesses didn't possess the truth, they wouldn't be the Mob's enemies. But the truth is the enemy of law breakers. In a court of law, the primary method of establishing truth, is by the testimony of witnesses. That hasn't changed for thousands of years.

The mobsters know the truth. And the witnesses know the truth. And the mobsters really don't mind that the witnesses know the truth. But they don't want others to know the truth. So, they victimize the witnesses, to prevent others from knowing the truth.

It's a pretty simple formula: crude but effective.

Jesus said, "I am the way, the Truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me" (Jn 14:6). Those who knew Jesus when He walked the earth, traveled about telling others about Him, convincing them that Jesus is Who He said He is.

That was their testimony. Other, evil men, took it upon themselves to kill Christians. They used to beat them, imprison them, and feed them to lions (Ac 26:10). Those who died for their testimony of Christ were called "martyrs" (Ac 22:20, Re 6:9, 17:6).

The second half of the Bible, the New Testament, was written in the Greek language. A testament, is a testimony. That word "martyr" is nothing more than the Greek word for "witness." So those Christians were killed for giving their testimony of the Truth.

Just as Christians are inspired by the Spirit of God (Mt 10:20), those evil men are inspired by evil spirits (Jn 8:44). The demons know the Truth (Ac 19:15, Ja 2:19). And the Christians know the Truth (1Jn 3:24, 4:13). And the demons don't mind that the Christians know. But they don't want others to know the Truth. So they kill the Christians. Martyrs.

Evil men kill witnesses. Nothing has changed. It's crude but effective.

In communist China, in the former Soviet Union, in many middle eastern nations, you can be killed, legally, for practicing Christianity. If Christianity were nothing more than a myth, or superstition, evil men wouldn't feel threatened by it. But they do. It is their worst enemy: the Truth. They want to control you, but the truth makes you Absolutely Free.


1 John 4:6 We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.


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