The PARAGOD Home Page

These kids need all the help we can offer.
Visit this site to see what you can do.

The only E.M.S. WEB Network:
"The E.M.S. WebRing"

Welcome to my first attempt at HTML and home page design. I hope to be able to keep it updated and improving. Right now it's best viewed at 800x600 resolution. I'd like to thank a friend of mine for his assistance and encouragement Bob Hemsath (aka Sawbones). Anyway, come on in and browse around. I've got some links to free stuff in the website credits. I hope you'll find something you can use.

I know, some of you may be wondering why Paragod. It's a nickname that is used when refering to a Paramedic (usually by non-paramedics). Personally I prefer Street Doc but I couldn't get my server to accept it.

CONSTANTLY changing.Please check back!

Are you Wondering?

Who I Am ?

Thanks for dropping by. Check out some of the links and let me know what you think. Be careful out there and remember: It's amazing what a paramedic can make out of a pair of jeans with his scissors.

Some Favorite Links Of The PARAGOD

The U.S. Constitution
The News
I'm Searching...
N.H.P. Memorial

I hope that when you leave this page you surf carefully,
otherwise you might meet a Real, LIVE...

Please feel free to contact me

This site was last updated on 06/11/1999
designed by STREET DOC aka PARAGOD

other potential clients have been here since 09/01/96

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This E.M.S. WebRing Site is operated by Mike Keck:N.R.E.M.T.Paramedic; INSTRUCTOR/COORDINATOR

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