These are a few of my favorite things...


Justice Society Of America

My Family Tree

Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys

(Alternative) History of the World

Thanks for dropping by ! Please keep on stopping back occasionally to see what other rooms I've "unpacked" !

Links to other interesting sites on the Web :

The GeoCities Homepage !
My seismology teacher !

The National Wild Turkey Federation :
NWTF Home Page !
New York State Chapter NWTF !
Niagara Frontier Chapter NWTF !

The "IM a Geo-Neighbor connection" :
Bill Deer's Family and Bee-keeping Page !
Stan Broderick's Page of Buffalo Parks !
Tim Sullivan's Page of Civil War Ironclads !
Mike Gugliuzza's Bimmer !
Mark Canady's Sports and Family Page !

Thanks for stopping by ! You can e-mail me at :

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