This is our house in the country. As with any old house, it takes lots of time, energy, and of course money. But in the end, it's worth every bit of it.

We are not sure exactly when the house was built, but digging through the records we have found quite a bit of information. The land the house now stands on was purchased from the Federal Government by Sam Javins in 1838. Sam was a properous farmer who had three daughters, Martha, Nancy and Mary. Martha probably acquired the land sometime around 1870. She probably then passed it to her husband, Lauren Coe who was a painter and carpenter. (We could not find the record of these two transactions). The house was definitely built somewhere between 1870 and 1890, probably by Martha and Lauren.

By 1911, Lauren had remarried for reasons we have not been able to find. Then in 1911, Lauren sold the property to his son, George who ran a produce store in downtown Springfield. George died and the property went to probate in 1916.

Later that year, Charles Gallagher purchased the land and 40 acres surrounding it. They lived there until 1950 when Leigh and Mary Watret bought the house. They lived in the there until 1972. The house is still known to many as "the Watret House."

In 1972, the house and the land were purchased by Larue "Dugan" Jacobs and David "Junior" Marr. Dugan was a prosperous business owner, and Junior was a farmer. They sold the house and 3-1/3 acres later that year to Michael Patterson. The house is known to even more people as "the Patterson House."

The Pattersons lived there until 1980. They installed indoor plumbing, and planted most of the trees you see in the photograph. The Pattersons sold the house to the Kohls in 1980, who sold it to the Princes in 1985 who sold it to us in 1990.

Since then, we have updated every room in the house (the last one is currently under way), but fortunately, none of the rooms (except the kitchen) has required major work.

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Updated 20-Feb-1997
Photos and artwork by Dad
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