My primary desire in life is to encourage you through writing. I love to write Christian materials but have little free time right now. I am tied down to a job that requires a lot of time writing other books and articles.
Some day, when I get it figured out, I want to add more pages to this site and write more inspirational materials for you. I also want to exchange ideas and recipes.

Faith Thoughts
by Frances Loftiss Carroll

When the day begins, He is there. When the sun sets, He is there. Throughout the day when I go about I am not alone. He is every present and cares for me.

What have I done that God should so honor me with eternal life? It's not what I've done, or who I am, or what I hope to be that He has noticed me. It is because of faith in His Only Son, Jesus Christ, the lamb of God, the Redeemer of the lost, the Messiah, the Lord, the Living Word, the Bread of Life, the Anointed One, the Alpha and the Omega that I have been set free from sin.

Thanks be to God for sending His son to redeem those who are lost and gone astray. He has come to claim us as His own and He will come again to take us home.

OUR MINISTRIES We would like to take a few minutes and tell you about the ministries God has given to us. We have been so blessed by God and no matter where we have gone or lived God has cared for us! We have been together as man and wife for over 36 years and God has given us a lot to be thankful for, among these are our children, the ministry and love we have had for them, and the ministries we have to help others.

We are members of OAK GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH (the church where revival has broken out...) We are new to this church but God has opened up new and exciting opportunites for us. Pastor Michael Durham is a wonderful speaker and an outstanding leader. If you would like some free tapes write the church at : LIVING PRIORITIES, 2945 Oaks Road, Paducah, KY 42003 and ask for "the current radio tape series".

We believe Christians bear the name of "Christ" and not the name of any denomination. While we attend a Baptist church we think Christians should serve without denominational "tags". Jesus doesn't wear a denominational name tag which says, "Hello...I'm Jesus and I am a member of _____________."

We serve the Lord with respect and stand in awe of His love for us. We are thankful for the loving kindness and the influence of other Christians. Many friends have given us hope when we were discouraged and that's what we want to do for you. We are glad to share Christ as we walk through life with them as friends.

Of course, our most important ministry is...


Click the Button to find out more!

Prison Ministry

Sandy is active in AGAPE Prison Ministries where he serves as Volunteer Coordinator for invasions and works with the volunteers. This is a volunteer position with the ministry. Sandy has received numerous blessings and has had his heart touched time and again from the appeal of those behind bars to "hear" the "Good News" of the gospel.

As Sandy says, "People may discount many things you say about Christ but they cannot discount or discard what Christ has done for me in my personal life."

He says, "I am a changed man because of Christ. I am constantly changing as I seek to live a more godly life each day."

Invasions are held several times a year in Kentucky and Illinois. AGAPE ministries reach far and wide as men and women of faith sing and talk and share the WORD of God with those who hunger for God. If a person is really wanting to make an impact on other people then they need to take those first steps of faith, let God lead the way, and be bold enough to stand for Jesus.

Sandy continues, "I never thought I could do anything like prison ministry as my faith was too personal and private. I just couldn't share, at least not until God took me to prison for visitation and now I know how deep the love of Christ goes. He reaches down into the living pits of hell and pulls men and women out of the pit and into the loving arms of God. We all need Jesus and His gift of salvation."

Writing is A Passion To Share

I have been a writer since 1982.When I completed my writing course with "Christian Writer's Guild", I sent out queries to editors to learn about writing Christian materials.

What happened next was that Prentice-Hall had begun a series of Christian slanted books for their readers and Frances was chosen to write seven books. Those were listed previously for you.