13016 West 151st Street Homer Glen IL 60491

Open 11 am-4 pm Tuesday through Saturday
Closed Sunday and Monday


2004.. 2003.. 2002

Caring Kids Nominations for 2005

A Golden Paw is awarded here to kids that have worked or raised money to help shelter animals. If you wish to nominate an individual or group, email us with your nomination.

Molly, Nora, Annie and Meghan Mokate
A Golden Paw award goes to these girls because they asked that a part of their Christmas gift, $50.00, be donated to TLC. Thank you Molly (age 12), Nora (age 11), Annie and Meghan Mokate (age 8).
nominated 12/30/05 by Janine Carter

Angela Ciarlette
Angela, a member of Best Buddies for TLC, donated from her allowance. Thanks, Angela!
nominated 11/17/05 by Janine Carter

Patricia Bolattino
Patricia Bolattino donated from her allowance. We appreciate Patricia's generosity.
nominated 11/11/05 by Janine Carter

Reilly & McKenn Revord
Reilly & McKenn Revord donated from their allowance. Thanks very much:))
nominated 11/11/05 by Janine Carter

Jim Gies
Jim Gies and his friends deserve a Golden Paw for money raised by their band benefit concert for TLC.
nominated 11/11/05 by Janine Carter

Alex Huff
Alex Huff, 9th birthday party: "No gifts for me, please! But, if you really want to bring something, I'm collecting items for TLC Animal Shelter. I already have all the toys I can use, but the shelter could use donations!"

nominated 11/11/05 by Janine Carter

Andie Semlow
Andie Semlow, a scout in Girl Scout Troop 385, donated $30.00 in lieu of gifts for her birthday. Thanks, Andie!
nominated 11/8/05 by Janine Carter

Girl Scout Troop 385
We are pleased to award a Golden Paw to the girls in Girl Scout Troop 385 for their donation of food, supplies and $75.00.
nominated 11/8/05 by Janine Carter

Alyssa Yanowsky, Samantha Bradley & Olivia Palermo
Alyssa, Samantha & Olivia helped raise money for TLC in front of Chipains grocery store in Lemont on Tag Day. Thanks!
nominated 9/10/05 by Janine Carter

Andy Sims
A big Golden Paw Award goes out to 7 year old Andy Sims. For his birthday Andy asked for money and items that could be used by the animals at the shelter. This is the 2nd year that young Andy has donated his birthday presents to TLC!
nominated 9/10/05 by Janine Carter

Dancing Kids
Emma Sweeney, Grace Furlang and Jillian Sweeney held a dance-a-thon on a Friday night. There were 12 kids and their parents dancing, and they raised $77.50. What a way to have fun and help the animals, too!
nominated 8/14/05 by Janine Carter

Lemonade Kids
Jennifer Holly, Lisette Ramos, Stephanie Dinolpho, Ryan Motyakowski, Alex Huber and Trent Holly raised $15.00 with their lemonade stand. A Golden Paw is awarded to each one of you, thanks!
nominated 8/14/05 by Janine Carter

Krystine, Matt & Andrew Tempinski
Golden Paw to all for their hard work at the Spaghetti Luncheon fundraiser.
nominated 8/2/05 by Janine Carter

Josh Chalifoux
Thanks for your help at the Spaghetti Luncheon fundraiser, Josh!
nominated 8/2/05 by Janine Carter

Girl Scouts of Manhattan & New Lenox
These scouts helped at the Spaghetti Luncheon fundraiser, washing and returning serving trays and other chores.
nominated 8/2/05 by Janine Carter

Ms. Gattuso's Freshman Honors Class
Golden Paw award goes to the Freshman Honors Integrated Physical Science Students at Carl Sandburg High School in Orland Park and their teacher Michelle M. Gattuso who would charge 25 cents whenever any of the students needed to borrow a supply from her (pencil, pens, paper, etc.) The at the end of the year the class votes on an organization to donate it to and they voted on TLC! Ms. Gattuso matched what she collected which made it an even more giving experience for the students.
nominated 8/2/05 by Janine Carter

Casey Marie Rinke
Casey, a golden retriever, had her own donation box at the Old Quarry Middle School Student/Faculty Basketball Game, and raised $300! That's some good retrieving, Casey!
nominated 6/29/05 by Janine Carter

Girl Scout Troop 857
This Troop donated $50.00 to help the animals. A big thank you to Troop Leader Shelly Fiorini and scouts Jessica, Krista, Kailey, Juliann, Katie, Elizabeth, Ami, Sydnee, Amanda, Michaela, Jessica, Tori, Megan, Samantha, Emily and Johanna.
nominated 6/21/05 by Janine Carter

Cathy Anderson's 6th Grade Advisory, Old Quarry Middle School
These kids deserve a Golden Paw for their $112.05 donation to help the animals at TLC.
nominated 6/17/05 by Janine Carter

Student Council of Orland Junior High School
The Student Council of Orland Junior High School deserves a Golden Paw for their $100.00 donation.
nominated 6/8/05 by Janine Carter

Jade Beadle
Here is a Golden Paw for Jade. In lieu of presents for herself, she asked for money and things for the animals at TLC!!!
nominated 6/8/05 by Janine Carter

Girl Scout Troop #171
A Golden Paw Award goes to Girl Scout Troop #171 for their helpfulness during the TLC Plant and Garden sale. Lanaea Malak, Bre Malak (Troop #590), Cassandra Schifflet, & Katie Washagan helped carry purchases, watered plants, made signs and read off plant prices at the sale. Their troop Leader Jackie Baldyga and Co-Leader Laura Malak have every right to be proud of them!
nominated 5/15/05 by Janine Carter

Girl Scout Service Unit 24
A Golden Paw Award goes to Girl Scout Service Unit 24 from Lemont for dog food, cat food, paper towels and other items for the animals.
nominated 5/12/05 by Janine Carter

Andy Keefe
Thank you, Andy Keefe, for the food and monetary donation to TLC. Here is your Golden Paw.
nominated 4/29/05 by Janine Carter

Orland Explorers Troop 104
A Golden Paw is awarded to Orland Explorers Troop 104 Orland Park Illinois: Julie Friend age 12, Missy Mardoian age 11 and Katie Taylor age 12. The troop brought in numerous supplies, food, treats, paper towels and cleaners.
nominated 4/24/05 by Janine Carter

New Lenox School District 122
A Golden Paw is awarded to New Lenox School District 122 Students and Faculty Members of the Liberty Activity Fund who raised $60.00 to help the animals at the shelter.
nominated 4/1/05 by Janine Carter

Mokena Girl Scout Troops 889 and 890
A big thank you to Troops 889 and 890, Mokena Girl Scouts. The girls brought in a major amount of food for the dogs and cats along with treats. It was all delivered by Jennifer Mc Mahon and Deb Barba.
nominated 3/5/05 by Janine Carter

Corey Diab
A Golden Paw award goes to 10 year old Corey Diab for the food he collected for the shelter and also for the money. The critters appreciate it, Corey!
nominated 3/5/05 by Janine Carter

Kasey Maue
A Golden Paw award goes to Kasey Maue, who sold lemonade and donated money she made doing chores so she could help the animals at TLC.
nominated 2/25/05 by Janine Carter

The students at Reed School
The students at Reed School under the direction of Michelle Carli thier teacher raised money for their 100th day of school for TLC. The kids raised $336.00 plus donated dog and cat food! WOW!!
nominated 2/21/05 by Janine Carter

Young Friends & Neighbors of New Lenox
A total of $42.25 was collected by some great kids in New Lenox. Thanks!
nominated 1/8/05 by Janine Carter

Marley Church Preschool
The kids at Marley Church Preschool collected treats and toys for the animals. They deserve to get a Golden Paw award!
nominated 1/1/05 by Janine Carter