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My name is Janice and I am a work-at-home-mom in Southern Ontario.
I have been married to my husband, Randy, since August 15, 1992 and we have a
beautiful little girl, named Megan, who was born on July 17, 1995.

I was born in Quebec and have lived all over the world
as my father was in the Canadian Armed Forces, and as any military family knows,
you do a lot of moving around. There are small parts of each place that I remember but,
because I was so young then, most of it escapes my memory. I do remember that I
started school on a base in Baden-Baden, Germany, where we had lived for a couple of years.
We then moved to Edmonton, Alberta, where I attended grades 2 thru 4.
After that, we moved to Brampton, Ontario (just west of Toronto) where we set down roots
and that is where I and my brother and sister did the remainder of our schooling.
My parents still live in Brampton, as does my sister and her family. My brother lives in Toronto,
where he goes to university and also works at making courses on the web for the learning disabled.

For information on my parents, visit - GENEALOGY HOME PAGE OF ELMER E. GAY

For more information about my brothers work, visit - LEARNING TO LEARN

Randy and I live on a one acre property in the country, just outside a small town, and
have lived here since July, 1995. Actually, we moved to this house 2 weeks after
Megan was born. You can imagine how hectic that was but we survived and we love it here.
There is nothing like country living.

Randy and I met 7 years ago at a company where we both worked. We were married
about a year and a half later and it was a beautiful wedding. We had both the ceremony
and reception at a country club nearby. This saved a lot of travelling time as we didn't have to go
from a church to a banquet hall. All our family and friends were there and it was wonderful.
For our honeymoon, we went to Myrtle Beach and had a great time there.
There are so many seafood restaurants, I thought I was in heaven as
I love lobster and to get it at home can be very expensive.

We bought our first house about six months later, a cute little starter home
on 1/3 of an acre in a small town called Erin, Ontario. We lived there until
we moved into our current house. We did many renovations to that little home,
and were very proud of what we had done. You'd be amazed how much a few changes
can make to the value of a property. But, with the baby coming,
we decided to get something bigger. That is how we ended up in this home.
We have done renovations here too, but mostly to the property, not the house.
This house is a beautiful log-style home, so the main floor is very cottagey,
but the basement is more modern and very cosy.

Until the fall of 1998, I ran my fathers Lawn Care company from my home.The company is called
HIRED HANDS Professional Lawn Care and we have been in business for 12 years,
but I have only been with the company for 5 years. We pride ourselves in
being a family owned and operated business and although we are small enough to provide
personalized service, we have years of experience and training to provide professional advice.
But my father has decided to retire so I have decided to venture out on my own. I won't be running
a lawn care company anymore, but as I have designed a page that gives helpful hints for lawn
owners, I decided that I would keep it up an running and can still answer any questions
that people may have. To view this site, go to my LAWN CARE PAGE

With my father deciding to retire, I found that it would be nearly impossible to go back to working.
for a big company. After years of being my dad's "right hand" and having the freedom and
encouragement from him to do things that I enjoy, I came to the realization that I
could do the same sort of things for others, and maybe even get paid for it :-) .
So I have started my own Secretarial Support company. The name of my company is

I can provide various services for individuals or small
businesses who need some help but don't want to hire on staff.
For more information, visit my site!

Randy, who worked for my father for many years, wanted to venture out on something
of his own. So, he bought a tow truck, and towed for another
company for a year but then decided to start his own company. And so RJB TOWING & STORAGE was born. Being on his own is very satisfying for him and he always has
interesting stories to tell when he gets home. You can learn more about his Tow Truck business
and his other interests, snowmobiles and Harleys, on RANDY'S HOME PAGE.

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