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The Message of the Cross

Asleep at The Wheel

Simply The Best

The Ultimate Challenge

If Someone Came Back From The Dead

You Must Be Mad ... I'll Be Dead

Take Another Look

You say "I'm innocent!"


The Ultimate Challenge

Are YOU Prepared to Face it

There's Only one Solution!

By Shaun Aisbitt

Click and find out ...

You've seen computer games like Doom, Heretic and Triad with their 3D perspectives and various mazes filled with traps and demons. There are many other games like these online which you can play against others simultaneously. If you don't get to win this time, you get another chance next time you play. You are heavily armed and you fight against demons with your sawn-off shotgun. Some find these games fun, others find them repulsive.

But do you know there is a grain of truth in these games?. Yes it's True!. Life is like a maze in a spiritual sense. Complex spiritual mazes and demons cause millions of people to die spiritually lost. Not until they come back to play again either, but for all eternity!. There's only one turn per player and only one solution to this spiritual maze. It's getting harder to find each day, as the demons in the maze get better at building their traps and false passages.

Maybe you think this game is too hard to play and you won't bother with it. Well sorry friend, you're already in it, and it isn't a game!. At this moment there is a battle raging for your immortal soul, and there's only one way through the spiritual maze, Only one who can save your soul.

Are you heading the right way through this maze, or will you fall for a cleverly laid trap?

Is the One who can save your soul really who He / She / It appears to be, or will they turn out to be another demonic deceiver?

Take this test to find out!

Which of these is the right answer to the question:

How Can You Reach Heaven?

1. By Being Religious

2. By Being a Good Person

3. I Will Do Good Works

4. I Must Reincarnate Until I Reach Perfection

5. I Don't Believe in God, There's Nothing Afterwards!

6. There's Many Ways

7. Everyone Gets to Heaven in the End, God is a God of Love

8. Suffering in Purgatory

9. Going to Church / Synagogue / Mosque Every Sunday, Saturday or Friday

10. Jesus is the Only Way

















You chose Answer 1. By Being Religious.

Hmmm!, seems like a noble enough idea. Religious people are always nice and focused. Maybe you should become religious. But hold on a moment, which religion should you choose?, there's thousands of them out there!. I suppose you should choose the right one shouldn't you, after all, choosing the wrong one could make you wind up eternally lost. But which one is right?, the one you were raised in, the one down the road, one that is kind to animals, one that worships trees, one that looks for UFO's, one that has thousands of gods, one that has a prophet who gets modern day revelations from God?. It is a spiritual maze isn't it!. There are approximately 7676 known religions, thousands of other tribal ones haven't been accounted for either. Religion is a too big of a maze to get lost in. All roads don't lead to the same God do they?.

Without a map the spiritual maze can't be easily navigated. Perhaps we should look at a map. This map is a book that has withstood the test of time. It is called the Bible. Every word is inspired by God. What does it say about religious people, regardless of their religion or denomination? (See Romans chapter 10) It says they needed to be saved!. The Apostle Paul prayed for his people, the Jews that they would be saved. They had a zeal for God, they were so religious their clothes reflected it, their talk reflected it, their books and thought reflected it, their buildings reflected it every bit of their lives and culture was part of their religion. But they were and still are spiritually lost. Will you end up the same way?

Matthew 7:22-23 Jesus says these words will be spoken by many on the last day:

"Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?"

And Jesus says He will plainly reply:

"I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!"

Don't fall into that spiritual trap called religion. No amount of religion will ever get you into heaven. Click here for the real Answer
















2. You Chose "To Be a Good Person"

Wouldn't the world be a better place if there were more like you?. I seems like a great idea to be a good person. It's nice to be nice isn't it?. Being a good person doesn't get you to heaven though!. There's many good people out there, but they can still be spiritually lost. It doesn't matter how good you are, you still cannot make your own way to Heaven. Sin is the problem that all people have, no-one is without it. God says in His Word "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). God also says in His Word "If we say we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us" (1John 1:8). No-one except Jesus is sinless. Find out how He alone can save you. Click here to find out.

















 3. You said "I Will Do Good Works"

Wish there were more like you around!. It is good when some person helps you and doesn't expect payment or anything in return. Though good works are a help to many, they cannot get you into heaven. It is sad isn't it. There you are all your life helping old ladies across the street and doing their shopping for them and you drop dead some day. You turn up at the gates of heaven and expect to be let in, "Sorry no!" is the reply from the other side of the door!. It doesn't matter if you are as good a person as Mother Theresa, giving up your life to help lepers in India, it will get you nowhere. If we could get to heaven on our own then Jesus need not have ever come and been crucified for our sins. Why? maybe you should find out why, Click here for the real answer

















4. You said "I Must reincarnate until I reach Perfection"

Reincarnation or transmigration of the soul is a fascinating subject. I used to sit and think about it for hours wondering what I was before and what I would become. The whole philosophy we have today about the subject isn't what was always believed by the Hindu's. In fact they believe reincarnation is a curse. You see what we have is a westernised idea created by a cult called the Theosophical society. It has been around for a long time and has gained validity, even though it's teachings are still occultic. What is reincarnation supposed to do for you anyway?. Purge you of bad Karma many say. OK, let's go on from there. How?. Supposedly each reincarnation should be the result of your last life, if you were bad then you go down a level or so, if you were good you move up one or so. Each life teaches you something, it's like a school. But hold on a minute!, I can't remember the lessons I am supposed to remember from my last life!. Will I remember the lessons I learned from this life in the next one?. What happens if I come back as a dog?, I have to eat meat as a carnivore and that's real bad karma, so I will never progress above being a dog!. And so on.

When you think about it, the reasoning is so flawed, and there are so many contradictions in the whole idea that it is safe to say that it isn't true. We have only one life, it's too late to put your hope in coming back and finding out you're wrong, there's only one life, God says so too! Look what He teaches us in His Word "It is appointed for man to die once and then face judgement" (Hebrews 9:27). If you want to find out the real answer, Click Here

















5. You said "I Don't Believe in God, There's Nothing Afterwards!"

You are freely entitled to your opinion. If you say that there is no God, afterlife etc. Then can you prove it?. So far all the world's greatest scientists haven't been able to. They theorise, philosophise, and come up with models but still cannot disprove God or the afterlife. Why?, well because there is too much evidence to disprove them!. Everything you see around you, did that come from a nothing that exploded into something? no!.

Notice the word that occurs in these scientific titles again and again, and many don't notice Theory of Evolution, Theory of the Big Bang, Theory of the expanding-contracting universe. Did you see it?, theory!. That means that it is an unproven idea. Unfortunately they are held by many to be facts!. Isn't it time you decided to put your faith in facts and not fiction?. Jesus Christ is one of the most well established factual people who ever lived, there is more factual and physical evidence for Him than there is for Julius Caesar, Hannibal, Ghengis Khan, Marco Polo and Cleopatra together!. Find out more about Jesus and the Eternal Life He offers you Click here

















6. You said "There's Many Ways"

"There's many ways to God, just choose your path" some people say. How do these people know this?. Is it true?. if so, then God must be schizophrenic and in a real mess. You see, if God says to the Muslims "This is the only way to me, do these five pillars of faith", and says to the Hare Krisnas "Shave your head, hop around train stations and airports conning money from the unwary" then He says to Urianthians "I am one of the thousands of Melchizedeks from the planet Nebandon, die and my friends will come for you to send you on your progressive way" then we have a mixed up God!. There are thousands of religions out there all doing what they think is right to reach God. Some believe reaching God is like coming into a city, you just take a different road to the city centre where God is. The truth is that they are talking about totally different destinations and different gods (which really are no gods at all but demons). It would be like going to New York to see the Eiffel tower, arriving at the airport and putting on a blindfold, then feeling your way around without asking anyone or reading the signs, hoping to get to the Eiffel tower!. No Hope at all! Blindly stumbling along to meet something that isn't there, totally in the wrong place too!. No, there is only one way to God, and that is through Jesus Christ, He said "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me". (John 14:6). If you want to know more Click Here

















7. You said "Everyone Gets to Heaven in the End, God is a God of Love"

God sure is a God of Love. Look at what He did for us in His sacrifice on the cross. Jesus died for us because He loved us and paid the price for our sins with His own blood. Such love hasn't been displayed ever since or could ever be displayed again.

But God is also a just God. How would you like to spend eternity with Hitler and other mass murderers?. They would be in heaven too alongside the devil and other evil people enjoying eternity!. No!, sin is a serious problem and needs to be dealt with. God's Justice demands punishment for sin, Jesus took that punishment on the cross. The Salvation Jesus made available to us through His death on the cross for our sins is still available to us today. If we choose not to put our faith in Him, and think we have a better way, then we fool ourselves. God is Love, God is also a Just God, consider this. What are you going to do with your sins? For more info. Click Here

















8. You chose the answer "Suffering in Purgatory"

Wouldn't it be nice if there were a place for us to go to if we died in sin and yet were not really bad people?. Then purgatory would be the answer wouldn't it. All your friends and relatives could pay the Catholic church money to hold masses, grant indulgences and buy forgiveness for you. Soon the flames would purge your sins off or their money would buy your way out. But you know there isn't a place called Purgatory!. It was invented by someone who didn't understand God or His Word. It has been utilised to raise money for the Catholic church ever since!. It appeals to the legalistic mind set of those who think they can get into heaven by their own merits.

Well if Purgatory were there, then Jesus Christ died in vain. His was and is the only way to the Father (God, not the Pope!). If there were any other way we could be saved then He need not have had nails hammered through His hands and feet. He would not have needed to be mocked on your behalf for your sins. He could have just sent instructions in His Word, the Bible that you need to be good and go to Purgatory. But He didn't!. It's not in there is it, it's a philosophy, a twisted invention, a false hope and a deadly deception. If you are gambling your eternal future on tradition of men and philosophies of twisted reason, then you are going to loose big time. There is only One Way to God, Click Here to find out more.

















9. You said "Going to Church / Synagogue / Mosque Every Sunday, Saturday or Friday"

Going to church seems like a nice religious thing to do. Maybe your parents took you there as a child and you continue on in the tradition. But what do you get out of going to church on any specific day. Maybe you feel fulfilled, forgiven or nearer to God. But none of these are able to get you to God. None of these will get you into heaven. You could be so devout in your attendance and still miss the whole point. Have you ever examined your beliefs, or have you just allowed some person indoctrinate you when you were a child. Many professing Christians aren't actually Christians at all, just blind being led by the blind like the Lord says in His Word The Bible. Going to a building is not what it's all about. The people are called the church by God, not the institution or building or denomination. The true followers of Christ are called Christians. They are not followers of men, men's rules and regulations, tradition and philosophies. They follow Christ, how He wants them to bring His glory and love to a needy lost world. Are you following Christ, or some man with a black dress and white collar?. If you really want to follow Christ click here
















10. You Said "Jesus is the Only Way"

Congratulations you have found the truth!. Jesus IS the only way, and there is NO OTHER WAY. You may say this, but are you living this truth?, or just repeating something you read somewhere or heard someone saying. Why not click here just to be sure!

















Jesus is the Only Way. In God's Word, the Bible it says at John 14:6:

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me".

That is one of the most plainest statements in all the Bible. He doesn't mention any other way as many are fond of dreaming up. He doesn't say you can make your own way, or earn your way. He doesn't say which religion you must observe, He doesn't even say you should be religious!. He says He is the only way.

Now if He was lying then there is a serious problem. You see He died sinless, and in His death He atoned for our Sin. God's Justice demands sin should be punished, Jesus took that punishment. If He so much as even lied once, even one teeny weenie little white lie, then He couldn't have atoned for our sins. God gave the Jewish race the image of the sacrificial lamb. The lamb was to be spotless, without blemish, perfect. The lamb was to be an offering for the sins of the person, the blood covered over the persons sins. But Jesus was God's love on display, the spotless Lamb of God. He could have sinned if He wanted to, He had the freewill to do so. But He chose not to, during His entire life on earth, 33 years or so, He never even sinned in bad thoughts. He was completely without sin, there was no other way. His death on the cross was for your sins and my sins.

But you must not stop here, have you asked God for forgiveness, through what Jesus has done?. Will you turn away from your sins, trusting God to lead you?. This is very important. You should read His Word to guide you, and also find yourself a good Bible Believing church to go to in order to grow in the Lord. Ask God to send His Holy Spirit to live in you and to guide you. Let us pray a prayer to God, it's simple and not something that must be memorised, prayer should be like a conversation with God.

Father God, I'm sorry for all my wicked sinfulness. I know throughout my life I have sinned against you constantly. I cannot even remember how many times I have sinned, or all my sins. But I know you see all of them, they stand between me and you. Father God, please forgive me through the sacrifice of your Son, Jesus Christ. I know now that He paid the price for me, and I thank you with my life. Please lead me and guide me, I commit my life into your hands. I put my trust in you to help me, lead me and direct me. Show me your ways o Lord, send your Holy Spirit to guide me into all truth. I thank you Lord for your free salvation which you have given me. And now I know I cannot earn it. Help me Lord to explain this truth to others. Thank you Lord, I pray this prayer in the mighty and beautiful Name of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.


If you have put your trust in Jesus and prayed this prayer, then welcome!, you are now my brother in Christ. You are now part of the family of believers, children of the living God. You have been born again by the blood of the Lamb. Take up the Bible and start to read it. Maybe you should start in the Gospel of John, that best helps us to understand Jesus and our duties as Christians. Try to find yourself a good Christian Church near you. One that believes the Bible and teaches it. If you cannot find one or are not sure, then why not e-mail me here then?. I can give some good advice on finding the right church. E-mail me anyway, I would love to hear from you if you have accepted Jesus as your Saviour through this message.

© 1998 Shaun Aisbitt

Visit Shaun's Web Site