

Thanks for coming to check out our awards page. Below, you can view the awards that have been bestowed upon Netaholics Anonymous. We are very honored and proud that our page(s) are thought so highly of by others and we would like to say "THANK YOU" to the committee(s) who have taken the time to review our site and issue the award(s).

If you would like to know more about a particular award simply click on the award. Please be sure to click any awards that have the term "vote" on it, as this will submit our site as a "Top Site" on the net.

All awards on this page a very special to me but the fact that my site
survived the rigors of the Geocities Heartland Critique & Review Committee
really holds a special meaning for me, and here is the "proof" that "We Survived"!

Many...many thanks to all members and visitors of Netaholics Anonymous
who made this and all of the following awards possible!

SNIN Award PAWS Award Stacie's Award

CM  Award Spider's Web Quality As A Lifestyle

Setoff Award Of The Day High Flying Award of Excellence Artistic Reality

Submission Pro Tricia's Award Ravi's Elite Site

ABAS Cool Site Award Market-Tek Award HPC Concerts Award

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