Proud to be Heartland Webring

There are only a few things you have to do to be part of this ring:

  • Your site must be in GeoCities
  • Your site must fit the Heartland theme of
    Hometown and Family Values
  • The ring fragment must show up on the
    same page that you submit.

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In this ring, you have a choice of using the SSNB or navbar that is JavaScript based, or you can use an HTML code.

Instructions for using the NavBar will be emailed to you after you submit your site to this ring no matter which choice you make. If you would like to use the NavBar, please follow the instructions that are emailed to you.

This is what it will look like:

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Login to WebRing by going to This link will open a new window, so that you can follow these instructions as you go.
  1. Click on My Rings at the top right hand side of the page, if you are not already there

  2. Click View Ring Sites on the left hand side of the screen

  3. Click on your site's name beside Proud to be Heartland

  4. Click on Get Navigation Code on the left hand side of the screen

  5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, past the box with the coding in it

  6. Click on the word 'here' where it says 'Members who wish to use the HTML version of this nav bar should go here'

  7. From there you will find the HTML coding customized for your site that you can copy and paste on to your page.

The ring looks like this:

I'm proud to live in heartland!

My site
is Proud to be Heartland!

Heartland - The Heart Of Geocities!


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Now you can go ahead and
submit your site to
The Proud to be Heartland Ring

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( Slavery ) ( HIV/AIDS )
( Kids ) ( About Me ) ( Kitties )
( Dining Room ) ( Living Room ) ( Fireplace )
( Cake Decorating ) ( Cross Stitching ) ( Angels ) ( Aesop's Fables )
( Robert Service Poetry ) ( Yukon Pics ) ( Yukon Weather ) ( Yukon Stories )
( Artwork by Ted Harrison ) ( Artwork by Jim Robb )
( Awards ) ( Links ) ( Kids Links )

( My Webrings )