Angel 7 mos.

Angel 16 weeks

Geocities is shutting down all of its websites in October 2009. Barbara's Basement will be gone, but please BOOKMARK my NEW SITE, Animals R People 2 which is now in progress.

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Angel 6 1/2 mos.

Angel 12 weeksIf you have a Yorkie-Maltese mix, please email a photo with your dog's name and a short blurb about your pet (your name and state are optional). Angel and I are so anxious to see all of the other Yorkie-Maltese who look like her!!
Email me at: blt222 at embarqmail dot com
(Type email in regular email format. I don't put my email on my website in regular format hoping to keep "spiders" from picking it up and sending junk mail)

Don't forget to visit Angel's very own site!

Jake 1 yearThis is Jake, our yorkie/maltese and he is a little over a year old. He was 2.5lbs when he came home and has grown to a whopping 14lbs! Time for a diet. He loves to play with big dogs, and cuddle with his mommy. Chandler AZ. (Woo-hoo! You are a handsome boy! ~Barbara

When sending in pictures, please send only puppy picture and 1st birthday picture. If your puppy's 6-month picture is already posted, it will be replaced with the birthday picture.

(please tell me what page your baby is on when you send in new pics)

Hello, my name is "Dutchess" and I am a six-week old Maltese/Yorkie Mix. I love to sit and stare at the fireplace. My mother is a Maltese and my father is a Yorkie. Parent: Shelly, SanFrancisco, CA (Bee-u-ti-ful!! ~Barbara)

Dutchess 6 monthsAnd here is Dutchess at 6-months old!!!

you are turning into a BEAUTIFUL little girl!!!! Thank you for
sending your 6 month picture in. Remind your mom to send in your first birthday picture!!~Barbara

GucciLeft: This is Gucci, a yorkie/maltese mix born on December 12, 2003. One Gucci 1 yearlook at him and I fell in love. You can see why!! Parent: Corinne from San Francisco Right: Gucci at 1 year! He loves to pose for the camera (can't you tell?!) (Corinne, he has turned into a handsome little boy! Amazing how different he looks from his "baby" picture :-) - just beautiful. ~Barbara - Happy Birthday, Gucci!!!!!

TobyHi, I'm Toby from Athens, Georgia, and I'm a yorkie/ maltese mix. I came to live with my Mom and Dad and sister, Shelby (a Siberian Husky), right before Christmas. I may be the little guy, but I rule the roost!
Parent: Lori - Georgia
(Adorable, just adorable. Send in updated pictures! ~Barbara)
RewindThis is my Maltese/Yorkie Mix,Rewind-6 mos. Rewind. We named him this because when he was just a baby he was unable to walk forward (no muscle in his back legs yet) and I kept him in a room with linoleum flooring and he used to push with his front legs propelling himself backwards while beeping much like the sound of a truck backing up. Parent: Sasha F. - Sacramento, CA (Love the little face, love the pose! ~Barbara)
Maggie 4 mos.This is Maggie-and she is the moset adorable puppy I have ever seen. We love our new addition, and found out that it doesn't take long to see that there is a new boss in the house. She's 4 months old here, and weighs almost 2 pounds....she's a whopper!!
Parents: Melanie and Tony - KY (An absolute adorable little face! Please remember to send in 1-year pictures!! ~Barbara)

Bailey 6 months

Left: Bailey is a 6 month old yorkie/maltese mix. He takes after his yorkie mom. Bailey is a wonderful little guy, 2 1/2 to 3 lbs, calm, loving, playful and smart. Loves to sit, lay, head down, and roll over for treats. The perfect pet! Right:Bailey Cinnamon on vacation at Daytona, will be 1 year old Sept 8, 2004. Bailey weights 3 1/2 lbs now. He sat in his own chair just like a lifeguard, he loved the beach. He is so precious!!! Can't imagine life without him. Parents: Denise & Mike -South Carolina. (What a cute baby picture, and beautiful birthday pic!!~Barbara)

Aubree 6 weeksThis is Aubree, she is a maltese/yorkie mix. Just 6 weeks old in this pix, she's a doll baby! Very smart, at 3 months, she can speak, sit, fetch, and dance! We live in South Carolina
Parents: Nana & Pap (What a little cutie! ~Barbara)

Naomi Paris 8 weeksThis is Naomi Paris, She is 8 weeks old. 3/4 Yorkie, 1/4 Maltese. She mommy's little baby..literally. Parent:Nicole - Calgary, AB (Canada)

(How adorable! Please send in her 1-year picture!! ~Barbara)

Bear 8 weeks

Bear 1 year Christmas 05Left: Bear at 8 wks. Right: 1 year, Christmas '05.
We decided to name him Bear because he has a big personality for such a little dog!
He had just had his 1st grooming whenhis 6 mo. picture was taken. He is such a good puppy! We went on vacation in Montana and as soon as he saw the lake he run in and started swimming! He definitely is a mommy's boy, as a matter fact he is sitting on my lap right now looking cute! He likes his daddy but as soon as I am home it is all about me. Any how, love your site, I check it out often and it has grown a ton!
One yr. update: My little terror turned one last week...and he is cute as it could be. For the holidays he had his own stocking and gifts! He also had his picture taken with Santa at the mall! Parent: Cat M. Portland, Oregon
(WOW - did he turn into a handsome little prince!!! Cute, cute, cute!! Beautiful Christmas picture! What a doll!!~Barbara)

Baxley-7 wks.This is "Baxley Yaltese" He is a Yorkie-Maltese mix and was born 02/03/04. He is 7 weeks old today!! He is the sweetest thing ever! He loves to run (bounce) and play and nip at your toes! (We have learned to wear socks around here. Parent: Lori

(Beautiful, Baxley - just beautiful!! ~Barbara)
Baxley 1 year Left:I wanted to send you Baxley's 1 year old pic! He is soooo sweet. The sweetest dog I've ever had and SUCH a momma's boy. He follows me around everywhere and stands on his back legs like he's saying "pick me up!" (just like a toddler!!!) (You are an adorable little guy, Baxley - I hope you had a great birthday! ~Barbara)

These are our girls Sadie on the left and Lexis on the right! The sisters are 9 weeks old. Their dad is a Maltese and mom is a Yorkie, two of the sweetest we've ever met! They were the last two left from the litter and we just could not pick one, so I took them both-one for me and one for my mother! Parents: Michelle & Gisele NH
You are both ADORABLE!! ~Barbara

LEFT: Lexis and Sadie at 6 months!!
Lexis, on the left is 5.5 LB and Sadie is 4 LB. I love your site. I check often to see all the Morkies as they grow, they are all so different and adorable!

(You have grown into such beautiful little girls!! ~Barbara)

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Dont forget to send in your 6-Month picture !!

Getting a new puppy? PLEASE read
" I Am Your Puppy "

For more pictures of Angel, please visit her very own site!!

As Mommy and Daddy are kind to me...please be kind to animals :-)

If you have a mixed breed dog (other than a Yorkie-Maltese mix), add his/her picture to my "All Mixed Up" page.

Kiss your children every day - today is gone, and tomorrow may never come.

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New pictures added on May 15, 2009