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I'm sorry, but for a couple of years there had been nothing new here. I am still open to receiving anything you would like stored on this site related to the Norwoods. I would also be happy to link to your pages if you have new websites. We may soon have new links or pages here related to the original New England records and new analysis of the Joshua Norwood line. (20 Jan 2006)

October 2004

A note about Joshua Norwood, Jr.'s wife: New evidence that she was not Sarah Goodrich, daughter of Daniel, but Sarah Aldrich

A New Book about the Gloucester, Massachusetts Norwoods:

Parsons, Eleanor, from research by Bergholtz, Peter and Dawson, Donald. Fish, Timber, Granite and Gold: A Great Stone Wall on Cape Ann Leads to the Story of the Early Norwoods. 91 p., illus. Rockport, Massachusetts: Sandy Bay Historical Society and Museums, 2003.

Book and Cover Design by Leslie D. Bartlett. (Printed in the United States of America by DS Graphics, Lowell, Massachusetts.)

(ISBN 0-97460-51-0-7)

NOTE: Includes bibliography and index.
NOTE: Many photos and maps.

$20 check payable to Sandy Bay Historical Society, P.O. Box 63, Rockport, MA 01966.

Jun 2001

Bill and Joan Norwood's Website
Go to The William Norwood Page

Dec 2000
Robert Norwood (1610-1654)
Robert Norwood was a prosperous merchant,
a Puritan in the Civil War, a radical in his beliefs,
and ended his days a hermit and vegetarian.

Dec 2000
Ralph Norwood
Some notes about the Boston Light lightkeeper
and his family--1930s

Ralph Norwood Family Group Sheet

Return to The Norwood Family Page