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Francis Norwood & Elizabeth Coldham

Their Descendants

Massachusetts, Maine, and Beyond


Orientation Correspondence Other Names The Records
History Genealogy Lines of Descent New England
Web Pages


Important Introductory Links to Get You Started

If you follow the following narrative, you will find links to various genealogical and historical sites and documents in context; when you go to a remote site, use your back key to return to the narrative:

Read about Francis
Quakers, Congregationalists, and Witchcraft

The following link is equally important for descendants of Francis Norwood, for all descendants of Francis Norwood are also the only known descendants of Clement Coldam of Lynn and Gloucester, Mass:

The COLDHAM Connection

Included are County Records, JG Dempsey's NEHGSR article, and my own notes


A brief discussion of the pronunciation of the name


During the course of our research we all exchange a lot of correspondence with other researchers. In this section of the page, I would like to invite you to submit interesting letters or other tidbits gleaned during your research of the Norwoods and related families. Please use the address book or e-mail me your submissions and I will include them here. To begin with I would like to submit the following letters received by James G. Dempsey from:

G. Marion Norwood Callam 1969

P. Wilson Coldham 1972

Debrett's Peerage Research

Richard Sherman's correspondence with James G. Dempsey regarding the origins of Francis Norwood, based on the results of Debrett's research in English records:

Excerpt from March 1986 Letter

Elizabeth Day's correspondence with James G. Dempsey regarding our ancestor Clement COLDHAM:

E. Day, September 1972

E. Day, October 1972

Ebenezer Pool, Gloucester and Rockport Antiquarian (1787-1878), was a descendant of Francis Norwood and married Jerusha Norwood Kinsman, a distant cousin, as his second wife. A daughter by his first wife Abigail Patch Choate, Sarah Page Pool, was the first wife of Capt. Henry Norwood (Solomon, Joshua, Jr., Joshua, Francis), my second great grandfather. The following link leads to three letters that were passed on to me by cousin Vicki Hall Parkinson10 of Redding, CA (Nancye Norwood9, Nelson Doane8, Chester Doane7, William Henry6, Capt. Henry5, Solomon4, Joshua, Jr.3, Joshua2, Francis1), the first by Ebenezer Pool himself, and the others by his son William C. Pool, written in 1871, 1877, and 1887 to William Henry Norwood of San Francisco, California, the son and only child of Capt. Henry Norwood and Sarah Page Pool:

Norwood-Pool 1871 Correspondence

Norwood-Pool 1877 Correspondence

Norwood-Pool 1887 Correspondence

E. Pool's March 1870 Norwood Family Notes
Recently Uncovered

Jackie Norwood Corby has submitted an account of her delight in discovering, with her daughter Paula, a book by Earl M. Tolman which provided them with some information about their ancestor Abraham Norwood of Knox County, Maine:

Abraham Norwood

Larry N. Graham supplied information regarding Caroline S. Pool's marriage to John S. Norwood. His e-mail message is here:

Pool/Norwood Marriage

Other Names I am Researching

NORWOOD is only one of my family lines, of course, so try the following links to see

Other Names I Am Researching

Please use the following links to explore the legacy of Francis Norwood. I hope you will send additions and corrections. I am still entering and updating information.

The Records

English Records

First Evidence: The 1657 Indenture

See Francis Norwood's Will

See the Inventory of Francis Norwood's Estate

Francis's Land

Rockport Graveyard Transcriptions

Nathaniel & Jemima Donnell Norwood
Bible Records, York, Maine

New Gloucester, Maine
Land Transactions

This link has more to do with the ROWE family, but Solomon NORWOOD signs a deed

Letter from Joshua III and Ruth Andrews Norwood (1808)

Photograph Album
Family of William Henry Norwood

Monumental & Photographic Record
of some descendants of
Abraham Norwood of Biddeford, Maine(1773-1883)

Ellsworth, Maine, Newspapers 1851-1891
Marriage and Death Notices for Norwoods
42 Indexed Records

Captain Ezra Norwood of Tremont, Maine
Record of his loss at sea when skipper of the Jessie McGregor in February, 1901.
Ezra R. NORWOOD - International Genealogical Index Marriage: 24 Jan 1873 Civil, Tremont, Hancock, Maine


Life in the Francis Norwood Homestead
1664 - 1923

The Quaker Corner

New England Quaker History

Many Sources about 17th Century Christians


Francis Norwood had ten children, eight of whom went on to have children of their own. The data available here now contain only his children and grandchildren. As time permits I will build the lines descending from the grandchildren, taking the prerogative as a descendant of Joshua of beginning with him. If you would like information about your line, please e-mail me; I might have what you need. If you would like to see your ancestral line featured here, please send me the data in text or html format and I will very happily include them here.

Go directly to Francis's Children & Grandchildren

Consult the Table of Contents for the First Two Generations

The Witches (or Garrison) House
Built ca. 1692, Rockport, Mass.
Photo (1987) courtesy of J.G. Dempsey.
Home of Joshua Norwood and family from 1704 to 1732.This house is said to have been built for their mother by the Proctor brothers, sons of John of Salem, who was executed for witchcraft in 1692.

The Old Castle
Built between 1678 and 1717, Rockport, Mass.
Painting by Neil Linsennayer
This house was built by either Jethro Wheeler or Joshua Norwood depending on the source. Joshua Norwood sold this land in Pigeon Cove to Jethro Wheeler in December 1712.

Go to Old Joshua Norwood's Children and Grandchildren

Consult the Table of Contents for Old Joshua's Descendants

James G. Dempsey has drawn a map of the property lines of Joshua Norwood, Jethro Wheeler, William Andrews, Thomas Harris, Stephen Gott, James Story, Samuel Lane, William Woodbury, and Samuel Gott at Sandy Bay, including Pigeon and Hoop Pole Coves. I have scanned what I could of this map in two parts, capturing the land (East) along the shore (Wm. Andrews (N), Joshua Norwood (center), Jethro Wheeler and Thomas Harris (S)), and the Gott, Woodbury, Story, and Lane lands on Norwood Mill Brook (West).

Sandy Bay Land Map (East)

Sandy Bay Land Map (West)

Please use your back button to return to this page

Some Lines of Descent

Thomas Norwood
Son of Francis, Sr.

Abraham Norwood of Thomaston, Maine

Steve Mylly submitted the following genealogy relating to the Norwood/Donnell Bible record:

A Descent from Caleb2Norwood

Another Descent from Caleb2Norwood

A Double Descent from Joshua Norwood

Descent from Francis Norwood (Joshua, Francis (imm.))

Francis Adelbert Norwood

The following links lead to genealogical registers of descendants of Francis Norwood, which can be very rich sources for other Gloucester and Rockport, Massachusetts, families as well. With regard to the ancestry of Francis Norwood, many of these genealogies retain G. Marion Norwood Callam's theory of a descent from Capt. Thomas Norwood of the Leckhampton line. My inclusion of these genealogies here does not imply my endorsement of Mrs. Callam's theory. All of these genealogies were located at the Family Treemaker website, and I have corresponded with each of the web page owners.

Steven W. Tharp
(...Anna Norwood5 Tarr (b. 1769), Capt. Francis4, Jonathan3, Francis, Jr.2, Francis1 (imm.))
(...Deborah Norwood5 Tarr (m. 1802), Stephen4, Caleb3, Joshua2, Francis1 (imm.))

Jeramie D. Hammond
Descent from Experience Haraden (b. 1712) (Deborah Norwood2 Haraden, Francis1 (imm.))

John M. Falla
Descent from Joshua Gamage (Mary Norwood3 Gamage, Joshua2, Francis1 (imm.))
Descent from Jonathan Norwood (origins unknown)
Descent from John Foster (Miriam Norwood3 Foster, Joshua2, Francis1 (imm.))

Teresa S. Hawkins

Some Mount Desert Island, Maine
Lines of Descent

Descendants of Joshua III, Hannah, and Stephen
Children of Joshua Norwood, Jr. (Joshua2, Francis1)

A Descent from Joshua III
Joe Breeze of California

A Descent from Stephen
Submitted by Stuart Woods

More Mount Desert Norwoods
A genealogy of those Norwoods, children of Joshua Norwood and Elizabeth Andrews
of Gloucester, Mass., who settled on Mount Desert Island, Maine.
Found at Chuck Liebow's GenWeb site for the Mt. Desert area.

A Descent from Mary Norwood3 Gammage
(Joshua2, Francis1)

Francis Norwood Descendants with Web Pages

Matthew Charles Norwood
(work related)
(Charles Leonard8, Howard Lester7, Charles Naman6, Capt. Henry5, Solomon4, Joshua, Jr.3, Joshua2, Francis1)

Links to New England & Maritime Sites

Cape Ann Main Page

Map of Cape Ann

Old Gloucester, Mass.
Rockport, Mass. Hancock Co., Maine Maine Newspapers
Lincoln Co., Maine Knox Co., Maine Penobscot Co., Maine
York Co., Maine New Brunswick
Genealogy Links
Charlotte Co., NB
Ruby Cusack's New Brunswick
Genealogy Site
Essex River Chart Sandy Bay Chart
Mount Desert and Cranberry Island History and Genealogy Loyalist Notes

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