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For your listening pleasure: "Jesus Never Fails"
Click the square above to stop the music if you so desire.

Come on in and
"Retreat To Our Place"!

Danny, Glennette, and Magan are so glad you stopped by.
We Southerners just love to be hospitable!

The purpose of our web pages is to allow us to communicate with the world and the world with us.  Please visit our many other pages as we would love the company.

Sit back, relax and enjoy your visit.  Y'all come back now, ya hear? (LOL)
By the way, some links will open in a new window - We don't want you to leave :o)

Warning: Graphic intensive, but worth the wait!

Visit daily for your dose of the Holy Bible!


Welcome to Retreat To Our Place - The graphic shown here is a Victorian house!Bird BathBible graphic

~ The Holy Bible is our Manual ~
Audio Bible Online - King James Version
(The above will open in a new window.)

Visit/Join my PrayerWarriors4God Onelist!

We're proud that our site was chosen to be listed with Heartland SelectWe're so proud to have been chosen as a Heartland Hallmark Site!!!! 2/27/99

Visit our other pages or you'll miss a real blessing *S*

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Here's a handy dandy drop-down box!

Thanks Kellie for the beautiful gift below!

Thanks Kellie for the beautiful snowglobe!  Just for being your friend! :o)

The following are used on this site and requested a link!

Virtual Avenue

Thanks Geocities for hosting our web pages!

Original Victorian House, fountain, and birdbath are from Cottage Row Graphics!

Logo for Cottage Row Graphics

The buttons (house with text on it) were created by Glennette specifically for this site!
Please ask for permission before using them.

Graphics Set designed by Glennette
Everything on this site that is not credited to someone else (unless an oversight) is
Copyrighted by the webmaster of this site, Glennette.
Thanks for complying with copyright laws!

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The banner below is from LinkExchange.
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