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Samantha Lynne
July 4, 1998

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Samantha started Kindergarten in September 2003. We read together from chapter books like "The Boxcar Children", "Stuart Little", "Little House on the Prairie". She works in Handwriting without Tears and also writes in a journal everyday. She's learning history and science from "What Your Kindergartener Needs to Know" and Bob Jones History and Science 1. We sing phonics songs and will soon start Sing, Spell, Read and Write.

Journaling is Samantha's favorite part of school. At the end of the year, we will have the journal bound at the printers and keep it forever!

Story Land - August 2003

Old Orchard Beach - August 2003

Tired out from Whale Watching

Illinois State Fair - August 2003

Mariah, Jenna, Jeremy, Samantha

Samantha LOVED helping Aunt Cassandra rake leaves!

2002 Pictures

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