Young Max

Introducing the most recent member to join the Zippi Family---Max Imus Zippi. Max is a full-blooded Silver Brindle Cairn Terrier who was born on March 28, 2002. We ordered him from a breeder located in North Carolina and later acquired him at the age of 8 weeks old in May of that year and as a young puppy he quickly adapted to our household and lifestyle. When we first got him he was all black with a little bit of silver in his coat but as anyone who has ever acquired a Cairn Terrier as a young puppy knows, Cairn Terriers' coats most often change colors and it's impossible to predict what color they will end up. As of February 2003 he is a mixture of gold and silver with black sprinkled in around his face. He looks alot like "Toto" from the Classic MGM Film, "The Wizard of OZ", who was also a Cairn, but Max is a little bit lighter in his coat than Toto appeared to be in the 1938 movie.

Max is a lovable pet and special to all of us. Although Max doesn't know a lot of fancy tricks he was extremely quick in becoming housebroken in which all of us love him for that. Max loves to chew on his toys, go for walks around the lake and neighborhood, rough and tumble with the boys, and play retrieve with anyone who is game for it.

Max is the Zippi Family's second dog. Our first was Harry D. Zippi, a full blooded West Highland White Terrier whom we had for eleven years before we lost him in an auto accident. Since Harry was so very special to the family when we lost him we could not bear to get another Westie when we were deciding on what breed of dog to get the next time around. However, since Westies were originally bred from and are direct cousins of Cairn Terriers we decided to get a Cairn and have been extremely pleased with the little fellow and the fun that he has offered to the whole family.

New Steeler's Quarterback

"The New Steeler's Quarterback?"

(The Steeler Shirt is the courtesy of Dog Groomer and Zippi cousin Diane Zippi.)


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