Born September 21, 1989 - 10 years young

RC and Kiki are out of the first litter I bred.  Kiki was the third puppy in the litter followed 3 hours later by the fifth puppy, RC.

RC and Kiki fighting
From the beginning, Kiki was a trouble maker.  She'd stir up a fight among the other puppies and then sit back and watch.  As things started to settle down, she'd get in there and get things going again.  This is how she got her name, Pilikia which is Hawaiian for trouble.  There was never any doubt about her in my mind. . . She was staying.

She has grown up to be a grrl who loves people.  If they, for some unfathomable reason, don't like her, she will do whatever it takes, however long it takes to make them love her.  In this, she can be singleminded.  That and food.  However, the day that someone tried to barge into the house, she left no question about them being unwelcome and that they'd best change their mind.

Kiki and son, Zhivago (RC in back)

RC, short for Red Coat (he was the only red in a litter of 10) was the complete opposite of Kiki.  He was quiet and always ready for a cuddle.  His favorite place to sleep was curled up under Mom Liza's chin or across her neck.  I lost my heart to him the day he got out of the whelping box and came straight to my lap.
Liza with RC in his favorite 'bed'

He has grown up to be a quiet, steady boy.  Watchful and reserved, he takes a few minutes to decide if someone deserves his attention.  Once he's decided someone is ok, he does *not* leave them alone.  They must pet him and continue to do so.  A hand withdrawn so the owner of that hand can drink some coffee is a personal affront and will be dealt with by an insistant dobernose flip.

RC at 4 in his favorite chair


I like to think that curled up with me is when they're happiest.  I know that when I'm curled up with them is my happiest time.

Happy Birthday my Bestest Grrl and Boy

To see my two favorite pictures of RC and Kiki go to my scrapbook

We will spend today curled up on the couch and tomorrow, I will be filling out forms for their Longivity Certificate and calling Grandma and Grandpa Chidister about getting an LC on Cid, Ch Cidney of Sic-Amour and Grandma Donna about an LC on Liza Jered's Passion of Hotai, their sire and dam

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