In Loving Memory of Casey Nicole

To my #30+truth family,

This is a letter that is so hard to write.  Words being able to express my feelings. Your kindness....thoughtfulness will never be forgotten.  I guess i had never realized just how many people Casey's precious  life had touched until now. Since her death..... we have received people whom I've never even met before.  This has really touched my heart as well as that of my family.  There has been tears shed with just the reading  of a card or an email from one of my irc friends.....but the feeling left in my heart is not sadness but a "warmth" the realization that so many people really do care. You are a special group. In the months to come...i know you will be there for me when I may need a shoulder to lean on...or a laugh to lighten my heart. If I could give each and every one of you a hug...I would.  You are all truly amazing.....I know i dont need to say it....but thank you so very much.
Love and Hugs,
Toni (budderfli)

**I wanted to mention those who have sent
poems...etc...i apologize if anyone was left out..ive tried to keep an
accurate list of those who made a special effort to reach out and care.**

Lauraann,   ChrisTT,   Malea,   Wolfie,   Tiggeress,   j-e-e-p,
ladycorn,   Nicole,   Whis`per,   Johnyfive,   AnnieWho,   Seasoned,
Damouse,   Domestc,   Kimmers,   Elmynster,   Kitty^^,   Cocolyn,
Yossarian,    Knose,    josandra,   `Dan^,    Bert,   ^poet,
chelsie,   Shezam,   Jazzie,   EziRider,   ^Char,   Elfeola,
Tabbi,   Mr&MrsGolden,   Peaches,   StJames

  #30+truth is a chat channel on the


There are no words that can express my sincere feelings...of gratitude and loving care for my friends and coworkers of Riverside Hospital.  I have been a part of this Riverside family for almost 15 years ....and now more than ever...i am so very proud to be a part of it.  The units that i have worked on....6 tower, Cardiac Diag. Care unit..and 3 south......have done so much for me and my family during this really difficult time in our lives.  Your kindness.....generosity.....has been overwhelming.  Even people with whom ive never worked with have reached out to show they care.  Casey's life is gone forever......and there is no one....nothing that can change that fact.  But YOU have helped to  give  HOPE for tommorrow....hope for life...and love for the days...months..and years ahead  just by reaching out and showing that you CARE....and for that....I am so very grateful.
Toni Steve and Courtney

 Riverside Methodist Hospital   Columbus Ohio


In Loving Memory

Casey Nicole

Casey Nicole Clark

You gain your strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.  You are able to say to yourself: "I lived through this horror.  I can take the next thing that comes along."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

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