
In the table below are links to pages that you can either send virtual flowers, cards or presents from.
These places are really nice when it comes to someones birthday, anniverary or just to say Hi or I love you.
I myself use them for friends and family's birthdays or just to suprise someone with a card or flowers.
If you know of any others and would like me to add them to the list, please email me the URL address and I will add it.
Just put your arrow on the box (link) and it will take you right there.

WF Flower Shop Virtual Present Awsome Cards Blue Mountain Art Electronic Cards
Happyman2525 StarNet Flower Send A Card 1-800 Virt Flowers Shawna's Flowers
Virtual Flowers Hallmark Wichi's World Musical Greatings UniCards
Virtual Bouquets Virtual Florist Go Wild Create A Card The Park
Greeting Cards Pegasus Say It Cards

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You are visitor since 26 May 98. I started my page on 27 Jan 97. Due to having a problem with my counter, I had to start all over again. I am still under construction, so please stop by again soon.

Please e mail me and let me know how I am doing on my page. You can either click on the image or name. © 1996 txnetruner

Send me a page on ICQ #797794 TXSister

I last updated this page on Monday 22 Feb 99.

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