
Pennie JoDean

Birth Date 12-12-71

Returned Home 12-13-71



Pennie’s Page won’t be very long because we lost our beautiful daughter when she Was twenty-four hours old. Her story starts two years before she was born. Kandi was two and a half when we decided it was time to have another baby. We tried for several months. I then decided, I needed to go to the Doctor to see what was wrong. I had to start by taking my temperature every morning, and do all the fun things women have to do when It seems impossible to conceive. We did this for two years without fail, and then one beautiful day the Doctor told me, I was pregnant. I had a fairly normal pregnancy but had bleeding in the fifth month.

Pennie was born December 12, 1971 and we had another beautiful daughter.


She was five weeks early and had Hyaline Membrane Disease we were told she would have to be in an incubator for awhile. She was doing better and seemed to be developing her lungs when she contracted pneumonia, her little lungs was not strong enough to handle pneumonia.

I went down to the nursery and saw Doctors and Nurses around her and I knew something was wrong,they sent me back to my Room. When my husband got there they asked us to go down the Hall to a private room. On the way down the hall, I knew something was wrong and started screaming; my Baby is dead?

They made me wait until we were in the room before they would tell us we had lost our beautiful daughter. When we got to the room the Doctor told us, then said, at least you did not get to know her. A horrible thing to say to parents who have just lost their baby. My husband said, (trying to comfort me) the Doctor is right we didn't get to know her. I started to cry harder and told him I DID KNOW HER..... I felt her move inside of me every day... This is such a common phrase to people who have never lost an infant, and one of the most hurting ones anyone can say to a Mom who has lost her baby.

We know our baby’s, after all they have been a part of us for the past several months, we have talked to them and felt them move and grow.

I am so glad I insisted on having pictures taken, they have meant so much to me to be able to look at them and remember my beautiful daughter.


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Kandi & Jeramie

Pennie JoDean




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