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Hi, My name is Boo Boo:

I came to live with Tammy on August 3,1994. She was at the Santa Clara County Fair to see country singer Pam Tillis in concert. Tammy never did get to see the concert that night and I went to live in my new home.

My life had been very rough...

before coming to live with Tammy. I was picked up by a stranger and dropped off at the Humane Society in San Jose. No one will ever really know what happen to me cause I can't talk and tell them. I had fleas really bed and had chewed almost all the fur off my back. My left eye was hanging out of it's socket. The doctor tried to save my eye but it wasn't possible so he took it out and sewed the hole up. I recovered from my eye surgery and went to live in a foster home.

For 8 months...

I lived with a lady named Linda. She had lots of other foster dogs. All pitbulls and chihuahuas or chi mixes. Every sat & sun I was loaded into the car and taken to the NARF animal adoption days. Every week at the end of the day I went back to my foster home.

Then one day...

a couple adopted me and took me home to start a new life. But some of my old habits got the best of me and I dug out of the yard and went to visit the world that I had roamed freely before. Linda contacted the couple after I was found but they said I didn't "Love" them and they didn't come back for me. It wasn't that I didn't love was just that I was so use to being a stray and roaming around that I found it hard not to dig a hole and wander away. So once again I went to pet adoption days.

Aug.3rd 1994...

I was at the Santa Clara County Fair. Lots of people were at the fair. Many people looked at me picked me up then put me down and walked away. If you asked Linda why the all walked away she'd say because I was too old (9yrs),had only one eye and a grey little muzzle. Linda even dressed me up for the Fair. I had on a cute little red bandana. I watched all the people for hours. They talked,looked,and petted me then went away.

Then this girl came...

she asked if she could hold me. I wasn't very hopeful and knew I would be put back and she would leave also. I just sat in her arms. Didn't act real excited as I'd been through this so many times before. This girl ask Linda lots of questions about me. She wanted to know what kind of dog I was, my age, was I friendly,did I bark alot and how long would I live. The girl seemed to hesitate when the age thing came up. I had heard somewhere that most people adopt young puppies...

Then the girl looked at Linda and said...

"I want to adopt her what do I need to do". A couple hours later the girl came to pick me up. We got into a little white car and got on the freeway. This was the beginning of my life with Tammy.

The song you are hearing is "Bootscootin Boogie". It is dedicated to Boo Boo who does the "Boot Scoot" better than any dog I know. I just hope she decides not to clean her anal glands on the rug while we have company!!!!LOL

Meet my other dogs:



Tammy's Pet Page