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Brandy's Place

I came to live with...

Tammy when I was just a teeny puppy of 5 1/2 weeks. Tammy was looking for a companion for Boo Boo. Boo Boo was very lonely all day while Tammy was at work and she thought a "friend" would keep Boo Boo company.

I was born...

at the Animal Shelter on Dec.8,1995. I was the only mixed colored dog in my litter. My brother's and sister's were solid black or brown and had very fluffy hair. I had very distinguishing markings and had a very short coat.

On Jan 20,1996...

A young girl named Tammy and her friend came to the Animal Shelter. They picked me up and petted me. Then they took me into a special room to meet their other dog Boo Boo. I liked Boo Boo right away but she wasn't too sure about me. Then the next thing I knew we were pulling up into a driveway.

We're home...

Tammy said as I was carried inside. I was very sad being away from my mom and brothers and sisters so I whined and whined and howled and howled. Tammy tried everything to get me to quiet down and sleep. But it was no use. I didn't care if I was potty trained or not. I wanted to sleep on that nice warm bed.

Instead I landed up...

on the livingroom floor and Tammy slept on the couch. This went on for a month or so then when I stopped peeing inside I was allowed to sleep in the bed!!! Tammy made sure to leave Pee Pee Pads on the floor and I made sure to rip each and everyone to shreds.

Then I started growing...

before I knew it I was almost 45 lbs. Then I went into be spayed. Boy that's a story for another time...LOL then Tammy took me to obedience school. I am so happy that we went to obedience school. Not to be mean or anything but Tammy had no clue of how to train a dog!!!! Boo Boo was more of a baby then a dog. Now I was 100% dog!!! The taught Tammy alot of things and she stopped yelling and making them awful faces at me. Then Tammy graduated...and so did I. :-)

Then all was quiet...

until Tammy brought home another dog. A 4 month old named Bailey. It was a little hard for me to adjust and get use to not getting so much attention. Then the little squirt got Parvo & Distemper so Tammy really spent ALL of her time taking care of Bailey. But in the end we all got through it and are a happy family!!!!!

Tammy's Pet Page