Welcome and Introduction Pictorial Tours Photo Montage
Madeiran Folk Music Genealogy and Photos Map of the Concelhos
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   During your visit to this site you can visit Madeira through photos taken during my two visits to the island. Listen to excerpts of some of the folk music, take a pictorial tour of the island, or walk along portions of Madeira's beautiful levada (irrigation) system.

   Through photos and name lists, I am sharing information from my genealogy research. For those of you also searching your Madeiran genealogy I've provided some links related to genealogy, Madeira, and Portugal. The map of Madeira's concelhos (municipalities) may provide you with information related to locations of some of your ancestors.

   If you see any possible connections with your research, please e-mail me or sign my guestbook to let me know. You may also wish to visit the web sites of some of my online Portuguese friends who are also searching for information for their family tree, or tour related sites through one of the web rings I belong to.

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Larry / Madeiran.

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