Kathy's Family

Dickerson Gatens Fisher

King Stevens Hatton Corliss Best Pickle

I began this on the request of my mother, who said that we had no family history to pass on to my children once the elders of the families are gone.
As most of you know it is a hard search, leading to many dead ends at times. My information dates back to the 1800's, and I hope it may help some of you. Please feel free to see if we are related. I am searching for any and all cousins who may be out there.

Please note that this site is under construction, and if you have questions, please feel free to write me at kbest824@mchsi.com.

Information will be added as it becomes available.

 Michael Dickerson: Son of Morrel Dickerson and Elizabeth Reed, born in Floyd county VA. Michael's wife was Catherine Craig.
Birdine Dickerson: Son of Michael
Patrick Gatens: From Scotland or Ireland
Jane Fisher: Wife of Patrick Gatens came from England
George Albert King originally from Canada, founded Maple Falls, Washington
Amos Allen Stevens my grandfather on my Mother's side
Ione Hatton granddaughter of George King, (my Mother's Mother)
Corliss Family, from Haverhill MA. (Amos' Mothers family)

Map of Dickerson Family Farm

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