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This page will be dedicated to my family, the loves of my life.

A picture of Henry 6 months before he died, we were married 37 1/2 years.

Our family tree. I have two daughters, a son and four grandchildren..

This recent photo features the four generations Great-Grandmom in center, me on the far left, my two daughters and four grandchildren.

Robb my oldest. Looks and act just like his dad.

The Abbotts Clan--Richard, Gerald, Sharon, Lorraine and Mom-Bertie.
Robb's new toy for picnics on the lake.

My son Robb in 1974 wearing a clown costume I made. Would you believe we kept that outfit and he wore it 26 years later but a little off beat---The Killer Clown

My mother, Bertha has just celebrated her 82th birthday in October. Hope I look this good at that age.

My daughter Patti and her beautiful family

Have to include Patti and Mike's Weimaraners, Zoe-Female and Elmo-Male.

Ok! What do you get from Zoe and Elmo---------Many, many pups, had to put colored ribbon around their necks to tell them apart.

Grandson Christopher and Granddaughter Chelsea

The mother of Christopher and Chelsea, my daughter Patti, also has a web site. Visit her
My daughter Teri, husband Len
   and children Lauren and Dakota.

Another family get-together for the Langes. WHAT! WHO!

The new additions to the Lange family, beagle pups. Why "TWO" I asked? My reply--we couldn't decide, they were both so cute.

Would you believe another addition to the Lange abode, a Weimaraner pup, guess where it came from.

Grandson Dakota and Granddaughter Lauren

A Poem written by Teri to Lauren

Discovering Me

As I was a baby growing in every way,
I was discovering new things each and every day.
Two hands and two feet, I found were mine,
My eyes and ears I would soon find.
Growing is fun as you can see,
Yes, I was discovering me.

When I was one, I began to walk,
Before I was two I learned to talk.
In and all about my home,
Everyday, I would wander and roam.
Mischief became my middle name,
Between Mom and I it was a game.
Growing is fun as you can see,
Yes, I was discovering me.

Another birthday came and went,
Oh! the presents and cards that were sent.
Now at three, I'm fast on my feet,
I can count all the friends that I meet.
As the days go by, I am growing fast,
There are bumps and boo-boo's, but still it's a blast.
Growing is fun as you can see,
Yes, I was discovering me.

Now I'm four and so grown up,
I'm even drinking from a big kids cup.
Every day off to school I go,
For some odd reason, It gives Mom a glow.
The things we do there are so much fun,
To the playground we go under the bright yellow sun.
Growing is fun as you can see,
Yes, I was discovering me.

To Lauren, Love Mommy!

Teri is a troop leader and has a web site created around her Brownie Troop.Visit her

P>If I can help anyone with my knoweledge of my creations, please don't hesitate to e-mail me. My

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