A Story of Triumph

Aphrodite's Breast Cancer Links and Resources

Oh I'm so happy, you have come to visit this page! It seems to me that this is the reason for my web page desire. Something inside of me is screaming to let this Miracle Story out! I hope and pray as I share this with you, that it will calm a scared soul, or just enlighten those who are concerned. This is a total Miracle...Praise God!

Where to start, I guess the beginning is the best. (grin) 14 years ago I was nursing my second child, and playing tennis weekly. I noticed a lump in my breast. It ached like a sore muscle. Upon my visit to the doctor I was told it was just a clogged milk duct and to ignore it, Psttt I was to young for cancer. Well, as the weeks went on it bothered me more, I am very aware of my body. So I went out on my own,. found a doctor and had it checked, he suggested removing it, since another lump had appeared. I did not worry in fact I watched "Terms of Endearment" the night before my operation. LOL honest...am I a goof or what?

Sigh the results were cancer, and so the story goes on. I wasn't able to take the chemo or radiation because I was given a wonderful gift. I was pregnant for my third child. Oh such conversing, should I or should I not have her? Not by me, for I new she was my Miracle, but by the doctors. Well nine months later my beautiful perfect daughter Emily was born. Oh such joy! Who can think of cancer when holding a beautiful baby in your arms.

So life went on. I was enjoying my family and life, sometimes scared a bit but always faithful in my beliefs that everything happens for a reason. I was able to go two years clear. But alas, at that yearly check up the cancer had come back and this time inoperable. My soul and being just could not believe that ! I felt perfect. But cat scans and on and on showed it there deep within my chest walls. Not much hope they told my family, but I new better. Smiling.

I had heard of a friend with Lupus, she had found a healing minister to pray for her. She was clear. I new it was for me. So we called him and went to a prayer meeting his name is Pastor Luthy. Upon the first sight of his face I new I would be fine. His gentle nature and kind words just flew from within him. We prayed together and touched hands. I left the room knowing deep from within I had found a guardian angel on earth.

The following day was more tests ...I just smiled Guess What? They were totally clear!!! Praise God. Even the doctors were amazed. But not me I new it ..I had my own miracle.

That was 12 years ago, since that time I have had only one more bout with this breast cancer. I have had my trying times with surgeries, chemo and radiation. And yes, even lost all my hair a couple of times. But you can make it if you believe enough. Be strong! And I am now 2 years clear once more.

If anything can come from this story, the most important message I can give to anyone is to BELIEVE and NEVER GIVE UP HOPE. God loves us and he does not easily let his loved ones die. Believe in Miracles always!! Grin you are one yourself.


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Here are some Prayers of support
for those of you in need of some solace.





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