Recent updates (Last updated August, 2002)


I grew up and reside in Saskatchewan. I am 27 years old. I have two sons who are 6 and 7 years old and I am expecting a baby at the end of November!

I went to Prince Philip elementary school and attended Aden Bowman Collegiate for my highschool years (graduating in June 1993). I have spent some time at the University of Saskatchewan as well persuing a degree in Psychology. I am currently homeschooling my two boys, working on a book, and do some volunteer work in my spare time.

My interests are religion and spirituality (with an emphasis on the Baha'i Faith),computers and technology, natural childbirth, writing poetry and short stories, psychology, experiencing nature, learning classical guitar, and spending time with my family.

Bob Geldof (and his charity work and music) has been a great influence upon my life. I love Lenore Terr and Alice Miller's books on parenting and the societal affects of child abuse. I continue to be involved in La Leche League and other parenting organizations. I try to be as active in the community as I can.

Here are some pics of Jaime (my sis) and me taken around October, 2000.



Liam's birthday is February 21, 1995. He is seven years old and likes dinosaurs, Disney movies (in spite of his mother's objections), and going to fast food places whenever he can arrange it! He is going to be a lot taller than me. Liam is beginning to read and appears to have a natural affinity for numbers. We are continuing to homeschool which is a joy in my life. Currently Liam's favorite books are "The Wind in the Willows" and "The Call of the Wild". Liam has many symptoms of Autism and we believe he has Asperger's Syndrome (high functioning Autism). I have done a lot of work with him and he is much better with new people and situations than he used to be.


Here is a picture of Sam
sneaking popcorn twists at Liam's birthday party.
(February 2001)


Sam turned six on April 30th, 2002. He really likes elephants, reading stories, helping out around the house, and hot baths. He collects Spiderman and enjoys pretending to be Buzz Lightyear. Sam is very adventurous and loves to try new things. He particularly enjoys helping out in the kitchen and attempting gymnastics and stunting.

Liam, Sam and I all have allergies to dairy (it seems to run in my family) and soy products so I do a lot of cooking from scratch.

My Friends

A few of my friends do have their own home pages, which is what got me interested in this in the first place. I'm not sure how interesting it will be for people who don't know me or my friends, but feel free to take a look at:
Erica's Celtic homepage
Mishkin Berteig and his family

Recent Updates

August, 2002

Lots of stuff going on in my personal life these days. I am feeling a bit worn down by life and anxious about the future but everyone in my life right now is being so loving and supportive that it's hard to stay down for long. Anyone who knows me knows that I am going through some tough stuff right now and I'm sure I will come out of all of it stronger and wiser. I will be glad to be on the other side of it though!

I am five months prego now and things are going well with the pregnancy. The boys are really excited about the baby and I know everything will be wonderful. Some days I feel very alone and scared but I guess that we all have those days. A year from now I won't even remember this! Love to all my friends out there.

May, 2002

This month I turn 27. I am three months pregnant and feeling great. We are trying to get rid of the guinea pig because I am allergic to her and it is driving me crazy! She is nice and friendly but my eyes burning and itching all of the time is not working out for me. My mom had a birthday party for me. And I am having some people over for cake and visiting as well.


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