Hi! Please sign the guestbook and I will be sure to stop by your website if you leave your address.
Thanks for stopping in!

12/07/00 00:53:18
Name: A.Martin
My URL: Visit Me

I enjoyed reading your birth story about Sam.

10/27/00 14:29:51
Name: Mike bast My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: Pizza Favorite Sesame Street Character: Cookie Monster Favorite book: Sports Page!
Role models: Jacik Hamilton ( My father Inlaw) Favorite breakfast food: Breackfast Burrito

Thanks for sharing your family. You have very handsome young men! I left my daughters web page. Makena is the one who was injured by the vaccines. It is still in the works but is basically a photo album of my little sweet heart!

09/10/00 23:15:55
Name: dawn pearse My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: food all together Favorite Sesame Street Character: big bird Favorite book: mountains,medows and moonbeams
Role models: my mother and my man Favorite breakfast food: food all together

Im 8 weeks pregnant and am really scard of what to expect if you know anything i should know about carrying please e mail me.

09/09/00 02:07:17
Name: Aaron
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

That is of course an spinich, tomato and Bacon you this email address....

09/09/00 01:13:30
Name: Aaron My Email: Email Me Favorite food: pizza
Favorite Sesame Street Character: Burt (people just don't give enough credit to the straight man) Favorite book: The Little Prince Role models: Anotoine de Saint-Exupery
Favorite breakfast food: Spinich, tomatoe and bacon Omelet

Just Alla'u'abha

09/09/00 01:01:42
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


08/21/00 16:27:20
Name: Nicholas James Bridgewater My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: Pizza Favorite Sesame Street Character: Oskar the Grouch Favorite book: Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh
Role models: Abdu'l-Bahá, and my brother Alex Favorite breakfast food: cornflakes

Allah-u-Abha! Excellent page. Keep it up!

08/04/00 15:32:36
Name: clay My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: umm? Favorite Sesame Street Character: Big Bird of course!!! Favorite book: God loves laughter
Role models: 'Abdu'l-Baha Favorite breakfast food: umm?

Great site. Thanks for sharing your ideas and talents with me. Haven't had a chance to really go through it. I'm off to explore now ... bye for now!*smile*

05/25/00 03:47:17
Name: Cat My Email: Email Me Favorite food: Milo
Favorite Sesame Street Character: Oscar Favorite book: Mists of Avalon Role models: Bob
Favorite breakfast food: Im never up THAT early

Bob rocks thus this web page rocks. There arn't many bob fans around, especially in Australia. So this kind of site is cool. Please, anyone, feel free to email me.

05/07/00 00:22:47
Name: Amy & Eric My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: mom's home cooking Favorite Sesame Street Character: Oscar the Grouch Favorite book: Lord of the Rings
Role models: Deborah Harry Favorite breakfast food: French toast

Heather is our long-lost sister. I just found her e-mail address in an old letter, and we can't wait to hear from her.

04/11/00 23:40:58
Name: petrina My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite food: pasta
Favorite Sesame Street Character: bert Favorite book: is that it :)

so glad you honored bob with a web page, i've been a fan for many years!

03/29/00 11:58:38
Name: mike hunt My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite food: frogs
Favorite Sesame Street Character: the fury one Role models: my dad the scag head


03/26/00 21:57:34
Name: jim cook My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: warm food Favorite Sesame Street Character: mr bill Favorite book: koran
Role models: bob geldof Favorite breakfast food: beer

thanks for the info on bob geldof. i bought a tape "the'happy' club" for 99 cents and i really like it! i also bought 2 different ronnie woods tapes "Slide On This, Live" and "Slide On This" and enjoy them. Thanks again

03/09/00 00:49:34
Name: Dave My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: Pizza Favorite Sesame Street Character: Grover Favorite book: Eye of the Needle
Role models: To numerous to mention Favorite breakfast food: Eggs Benedict

I was investigating Sir Bob and came across your page. We make CD's for bands and someone had a question about Bob Geldof. Thanks, Dave

02/24/00 18:42:59
Name: Vesna My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite food: I have written already
Favorite book: I have written already Favorite breakfast food: I have written already

One more word. That thing with writting about our favourite food.?!? Please! There is no enough place to put there everything you want or think. Good site again?

02/24/00 18:37:41
Name: Vesna My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: our national (yugoslavian, from vojvodina) meal - a soup, anf after that carrots, potatoes and meat and sause of course, which was previously taken out the soup (never mind I can explane that better bFavorite Sesame Street Ch racter Favorite Sesame Street Character: ? what 's that? Favorite book: any written by Arthur C.Clarke (Maybe "Childhood's End"?)
Favorite breakfast food: ham

Hey, site is good, but I would like to find out some more things about Bob Geldof (since I am only 16) cause I don't know where to find any word about him. By the Way, he was in Yugoslavia about 3-4 years ago. It was a damn good concert! If anyone knows a ything more about him, there's my email.

01/21/00 14:23:40
Name: Thomas My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: Italian Favorite Sesame Street Character: Ernie
Favorite book: Captain Corelli's mandolin Favorite breakfast food: Toast or cornflakes

I was actuaøøy looking for an MP3 of the great song of indifference, but a nice site nonetheless

01/13/00 13:29:18
Name: kaari My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Sesame Street Character: Grover
Favorite breakfast food: Fruit salad on waffles & cream

I was trying to find out where and when Bob Geldof was born...but I liked your page anyway. (I was given a CD with a song of his on it.) Thanks

11/28/99 06:37:01
Name: Erika My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: Mozzarella fries Favorite Sesame Street Character: Elmo Favorite book: She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb
Role models: Christina Ricci, my cousin Doreen Favorite breakfast food: Plain bagel w/butter

Hey, I really liked your site. Your sons are adorable, and it seems like you are doing a great job raising them.

11/17/99 20:14:23
Name: Ricardo Carleti My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite food: pizza

I need URGENT the song "Do they it's christmas" from Band Aid. If you have this, send me a e-mail! Thanks!

11/08/99 15:14:53
Name: Heidi C. Cox My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: Ice cream Favorite Sesame Street Character: oscar Favorite book: Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul
Role models: Gwen Stefani, Mark McGrath Favorite breakfast food: Blueberry pancakes


09/22/99 18:42:45
Name: Amy Witkowski My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: anything healthy Favorite Sesame Street Character: Snuffaloffagus Role models: Jesus Christ
Favorite breakfast food: Corn Pops

I'm doing an ISP for school on teenage mothers, I really enjoyed your homepage! Thank you! God Bless!

09/20/99 12:57:27
Name: carol My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: currently: falafel Favorite Sesame Street Character: ernie Favorite book: maybe _ceremony_ by leslie marmon silko
Role models: my grandmother Favorite breakfast food: waffles

Welcome to the radical unschooling list! Thought I would stop by your web site. I was a young single parent for a while-- I guess 3 and a half years. My son Walt and I got married to Steve 3 years ago and we were cohabitating before that. Walt will tu n 10 next month. We unschool in a supposedly radical way, since I just let Walt be himself. While Pokemon cards are being banned in schools, we've been playing the game to reinforce some math, learn some game strategy, read about moves and *gasp* -- hav fun! I decided to pursue growing things and writing this year. I have a garden in the back yard which is being expanded to 850 sq feet for next Spring. The other garden could be as huge as 800 sq feet. There's so much to plan, still! I'm also reporting on ocal government for a nearby paper 10 hours / week. See ya on the rad unschool list Carol Fabos-Gruba

09/05/99 15:05:20
Name: Gabriela Juri My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite food: Alcauciles rellenos
Favorite book: El señor de los anillos Favorite breakfast food: café con leche

Very Good

09/03/99 04:13:58
Name: Justin Parish My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: deep fried halibut Favorite Sesame Street Character: "The Count" Favorite book: Memorials of the Faithful
Role models: Abdul'Baha, Gandhi Favorite breakfast food: hurriedly eaten snack

It is good to see another Baha'i's site. I am from Juneau Alaska just saying hi. Have a good day

08/09/99 02:33:01
Name: Becki Robinson My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: Taco Bell (very bad, I know!!) Favorite Sesame Street Character: Grover Favorite book: The Baby Book by Dr. Sears
Role models: My best friends mother Favorite breakfast food: cereal (Golden Grahams)

Hi Heather.... You don't know me yet but I am on the Carolina AP list (onelist). I just read your intro and decided to come check out your site to find out more about you and your family. I am Becki, SAHAPM to Kammi, my amazing 15 mth old. I would tell you more about myself and my parenting beliefs but I am about to pass out from lack of sleep. Great site! And I look forward to getting to know you!

07/13/99 21:08:54
Name: Laura My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: Steak, mexican food, greek gyros Favorite Sesame Street Character: Elmo Favorite book: "Hounds of the Morrigan" by Pat O Shea. Good luck finding it cuz it's out of print, but I would recommend checking for it at your library.
Role models: Um, really don't have any. Favorite breakfast food: McDonald's Sausage Egg McMuffin or Bagel & cream cheese

Allo there. I'm 19, and I have a son named Gavin who turned 1 on 4-18-99. I've never heard of the religion that you talked about on your pages. Would you like to email me and tell me more about it? I'm just curious. :) Come take a peek at my page! Have fu with your little ones, Laura

06/27/99 20:56:13
Name: Ren My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Sesame Street Character: Elmo
Favorite book: Beloved Favorite breakfast food: Farina...mmmmm

Heather -- Thanks for visiting the site...and your comment was definitely taken under advisement. Boomtown Bob now has a permanent home on our site!! Ren P.S. How cute is that picture of Liam on your intro page? What a doll!

06/18/99 03:16:02
Name: Ren
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I can't believe it! A fellow Geldof fan!! He's a brilliant, creative guy...and some of us remember him from the "Loudmouth Bob" glory days before all this silly "Saint Bob" stuff took over! Three cheers to Bob and to you for remembering him on your website!!

06/07/99 00:45:57
Name: Amy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: pizza Favorite Sesame Street Character: elmo Favorite book: circle of friends
Role models: my best friend Favorite breakfast food: coffee

Hi! I'm another younger mother who wanted to drop by and say hello! I also wanted to invite you to list your site in our new directory for young mothers, you can list yourself at http://www.youngermothers.com/cgi-bin/links/add.cgi . To view your listing, o to http://www.youngermothers.com/fun/links Help us build the biggest directory of young parenting sites on the net! :-)

05/21/99 17:27:26
Name: Caroline My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: chinese Favorite Sesame Street Character: the bird Favorite book: Tess of the d'Urbervilles
Role models: My brother Favorite breakfast food: crumpets

Great page, just one thing, although Bob has a KBE he cannot be called 'Sir Bob', 'cause he is not british. It is an honourary title. He's a cool guy, anyway. maybe I'll hear from other fans. Caz

04/29/99 17:09:54
My Email: Email Me Favorite food: Salads
Favorite breakfast food: Cereals

I was looking for some biographical material that I could print off for my daughter's music project for Year 9. If you can suggest a web page to visit and print I would be most grateful. Thanks Jill.

04/04/99 23:50:16
Name: rain My URL: Visit Me
Favorite food: chiness Favorite Sesame Street Character: cookie monster
Favorite book: the ballon tree Favorite breakfast food: belgium waffles

U signed my guestbook, so now i'm signing urs. Ne who cool page. The kids are cute too.

03/26/99 15:44:43
Name: Novatscou, John My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: japanese. Favorite Sesame Street Character: ernie. Favorite book: the old man and the sea.
Role models: Sir Bob Geldof. Favorite breakfast food: toast.

Hi, Is it at all possible to email Sir Bob Geldof directly? Is it possible to speak to him at all or is he impossible to get to? I wish to discuss a musical proposal with him !! Warm regards, John N. (Perth - Western Australia)

03/26/99 15:42:23
Name: John Novatscou My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: japanese Favorite Sesame Street Character: ernie Favorite book: the old man and the sea
Role models: Sir Bob Geldof Favorite breakfast food: toast

Hi, Is it at all possible to email Sir Bob Geldof directly? Is it possible to speak to him at all or is he impossible to get to? I wish to discuss a musical proposal with him !! Warm regards, John N. (Perth - Western Australia)

03/26/99 15:40:10
Name: John Novatscou My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: japanese Favorite Sesame Street Character: ernie Favorite book: the old man and the sea
Role models: Sir Bob Geldof Favorite breakfast food: toast

Hi, Is it at all possible to email Sir Bob Geldof directly? Is it possible to speak to him at all or is he impossible to get to? I wish to discuss a musical proposal with him !! Warm regards, John N. (Perth - Western Australia)

03/26/99 15:36:22
Name: John Novatscou My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: japanese Favorite Sesame Street Character: ernie Favorite book: the old man and the sea
Role models: Sir Bob Geldof Favorite breakfast food: toast

Hi, Is it at all possible to email Sir Bob Geldof directly? Is it possible to speak to him at all or is he impossible to get to? I wish to discuss a musical proposal with him !! Warm regards, John N. (Perth - Western Australia)

03/26/99 15:32:12
Name: John Novatscou My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: japanese Favorite Sesame Street Character: ernie Favorite book: the old man and the sea
Role models: Sir Bob Geldof Favorite breakfast food: toast

Hi, Is it at all possible to email John Farnham directly? Is it possible to speak to John at all or is he impossible to get to? I wish to discuss a musical proposal with him !! Warm regards, John N. (Perth Western Australia).

03/24/99 02:53:19
Name: Skyler My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: pizza Favorite Sesame Street Character: oscar Favorite book: cold kill
Role models: jim carrey Favorite breakfast food: raisinbran

You have an awesome page!! What is the ring? If you want som tips on home-schooling tips e-mail my mom at kgdolphin@hotmail.com

03/21/99 04:15:05
Name: Bruce J. Arbtin
My URL: Visit Me


03/08/99 05:04:53
Name: gary My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: persian Favorite Sesame Street Character: ?????????????????? Favorite book: Dawn Breakers
Role models: Barny

It is a beautiful sight to see a mother and her love for her children and a great example. Bahai love,GT

01/09/99 16:18:58
Name: seefan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite book: God Loves Laughter

Great site ... enjoyed my stay ... SS

12/28/98 00:30:10
Name: Rob English My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite food: Thai

I am sorry if I didnot complete the entire set of questions. But you See I am a single male who happen to be surfing the web and came across your home-page. I am doing research on breastfeeding so I hope you forgive me for browsing through your home=pa e.

11/19/98 04:54:13
Name: Julie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: apples Favorite Sesame Street Character: snuffy or cookie Favorite book: Skinny Legs and All by Tom Robbins
Favorite breakfast food: cold cereal w/ bananas

enjoyed it, i'm going back in.

11/03/98 06:28:46
Name: Jodi My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: zoodles Favorite Sesame Street Character: big bird Favorite book: to kill a mockingbird
Role models: my dad Favorite breakfast food: sausage and eggs


10/27/98 15:46:23
Name: Jenn Murphy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: Tamari Tofu Favorite Sesame Street Character: Grover Favorite book: I haven't read them all so I can't truely form my opinon.... yet.
Role models: The two strongest women I have ever met, my Mother, and Grandmother Favorite breakfast food: Toast with stuff on it.

I really like your page. Way to go with the breastfeeding. My daughter is now a year old and I am still feeding her. Alot of people are too afraid of the yuck and I can't believe that, thats disgusting. I am the only young (in age not spirit) mother that I know locally that breastfeeds. I am proud

10/17/98 19:07:19
Name: Karen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: junk food :) Favorite Sesame Street Character: Elmo/Cookie Monster Favorite book: V.C. Andrews / anything parent-oriented
Role models: my mom and grandmothers Favorite breakfast food: Toaster Strudel

Wonderful site!! I will definatley be back!!

10/04/98 11:31:14
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

09/26/98 15:18:16
Name: Don Merrill
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I love looking at all of the wonderful home pages and admire all of the work that goes into making them. If you get a chance please visit my homepage and sign my guest book.

09/24/98 02:05:51
Name: Shelli Webb
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hey!! cool page. Looks really cute. Drop by my page sometime and don't forget t sign the book.

09/21/98 02:02:14
Name: Stephanie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: Anything chocolate Favorite Sesame Street Character: ELMO Favorite book: The Outsiders
Role models: Jesus, My momma, and anyone who is a survivor Favorite breakfast food: Captain Crunch

Hey babe! Loved your page. The pictures are so wonderful! You have to tell me how to do it now. Seriously. Your boys are so cute. I love talking with you! Stop by again soon, I update my pages constantly! Love ya! Steph

09/11/98 13:12:54
Name: Cindy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: shrimp and guacomole Favorite Sesame Street Character: Oscar, of course! Favorite book: IMPERFECT CONTROL by Judith Viorst
Role models: anyone who has vision and goes for it! Favorite breakfast food: bacon (OK, OK, the nitrates will kill me, but...

I'm probably the "eldest citizen" on this site, but even though I'm 56, I have raised 9 kids (6 girls--oh, what PMS!) and 3 boys. Today they are 17-28. Seven of them are degreed,card carrying, debt-laden young career professionals -- sort of goes against the conventional prejudice about the children of single parents, no? Cyn

09/07/98 18:26:55
Name: clarissa My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: Chi chis fresh salsa and chips Favorite Sesame Street Character: Ernie Favorite book: Rebecca
Favorite breakfast food: Fruit

Hi just wanted to let you know we stopped in. We have a 6 mo old son. Please visit our site sometime. Thanks for putting the link to the LLL--I was just thinking of visiting their site!

Come and visit the cutest baby on the web

08/29/98 15:35:52
Name: Liz Beason My URL: Visit Me Favorite food: Steak
Favorite Sesame Street Character: Big bird Favorite book: Single Parents Society Role models: My son (Tyler)
Favorite breakfast food: Toast

Hello, your web page is wonderful,and very well done.I would like to use your important experiences in my book (Single Parents Society) I feel this would be a great benifit to other single parents.Please write to Liz Beason 2625 N Watson Hill Rd.Williamsport,In 47993. Thank you

08/26/98 13:43:18
My URL: Visit Me


08/26/98 02:38:49
Name: Danette My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: pasta(with cheese, sauce, seafood, salad...any kind of pasta! :-) ) Favorite Sesame Street Character: The Count Favorite book: any suspenseful novel, especially by Grisham or Cook
Favorite breakfast food: oatmeal and bagel

Thankyou for coming to see us and for signing our guestbook! You have beautiful boys (I should actually say handsome :-) ) It can be tough being a young mother (especially a young mother in school) but it is very rewarding isn't it? I wouldn't change it f r the world! Good luck with school, we will come back again to see you.

08/25/98 02:43:31
Name: a o My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite breakfast food: hashbrowns

great page wish you well and hopefully you will see something studying the christian faith.

08/24/98 22:47:31
Name: Star My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: Cake :) Favorite Sesame Street Character: I'd have to say... Elmo. Favorite book: Anne of Green Gables
Role models: Don't really have any right now... Favorite breakfast food: Corn Pops! And cake ocassionally..

Hi Heather! Thanks for visiting my page and for signing my guestbook. Feel free to send an email my way sometime... :)

08/23/98 03:45:11
Name: Erin Martilini My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: popcorn with butter Favorite Sesame Street Character: those aliens that say "yeep, yep, yep, yep" Favorite book: Rule of the Bone, Little Women
Favorite breakfast food: bacon

Hi Heather! I've been to your site a couple of times now, but I noticed you signed my guestbook -- twice! I just HAD to sign your's too, I was so flattered. :) I am nursing my son also (he is 5 mos. old). I almost quit because I am returning back to chool in September, but after reading several of your links I am so glad I didn't. Actually, the 1st week I was trying to switch him to formula I cried and was an emotional wreck. No kidding, huh? It's just so unnatural.

08/23/98 00:31:49
Name: Leslie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: Crawfish or Gumbo (from Louisiana....what can I say!!) Favorite Sesame Street Character: BIG BIRD!!! Favorite book: hmmm....Haven't read in awhile...not sure!! Love to listen to music though...esp. Rush!!
Favorite breakfast food: toaster strudels...yummy!

Hi Heather!! I just want to thank you for signing my guestbook and visiting my pages! We seem to have alot in common other than being young parents.....I strongly believe in breastfeeding and a family bed.....I breastfed my now 2 year old daughter until she was 16 mon hs but unfortunantley I had to have emergency surgery to have my appendix removed so I had to give it up:o( I didn't want to and I was so heartbroken (still get teary eyed when I think about it) She was defenintly not ready to be weaned. I know now though that if I do ever become pregnant again I will be sure to breastfeed since I loved the experience sooo much! I feel like I have done a great thing for my daughter that will benefit her for a life time! Well sorry I have rambled on, I don't want your guest ook to end up being about me!! lol Take Care:o) {{{hugs}}}

08/20/98 09:57:18
Name: stone
My URL: Visit Me
Favorite food: kerang

good work :)

08/20/98 08:27:52
Name: Clay Randle
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


08/16/98 23:20:50
Name: Jenny My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: french fries Favorite Sesame Street Character: Elmo Favorite book: Little Women
Role models: Sandra Bullok Favorite breakfast food: Bacon

Cool page. Please come and sign my guestbook! Anyone can e-mail me if the want!

08/16/98 21:50:03
Name: Kathleen J. Smith My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: all Favorite Sesame Street Character: big bird Favorite book: Bahai' prayer book
Role models: Grandfather Favorite breakfast food: cereal

I am a Bahai' from Indiana. Cool site!!! Do you have ICQ? It is a chat program.

08/14/98 13:25:13
Name: Kelly (aka-Blondy) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: Pastries Favorite Sesame Street Character: Oscar the Grouch Favorite book: My HTML Bible...hehehe
Role models: Oprah Winfrey Favorite breakfast food: Cream of Wheat with brown sugar and toast

Thank You so much for visiting my site. I took a look around your home on the web, and found it to be very calming and friendly. Keep up the good work. And if you ever need anyone to chat with, just page me in ICQ...I'd be more than happy to make anoth r (girl) friend. My Icq #6903988.

08/14/98 10:57:33
Name: Cyndi
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


07/20/98 20:49:20
Name: Donna
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Mom (your great-aunt Pat) gave me your web page address. I'm your Mom's cousin.

07/19/98 16:57:56
Name: Pearl Flath My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: chocolate Favorite Sesame Street Character: cookie monster Favorite book: lots
Role models: Daniel E Flath(Dad) Favorite breakfast food: pancakes

Hi! I'm from Alabama! I'm a Baha'i teen.

07/13/98 20:56:28
Name: Keyhan Ighanian My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite food: Mahi-polo
Favorite breakfast food: Anythings with cheese

I will say alla ù abha from Norway to all bahai fierens in Califonia. Good luck with your teaching.

07/13/98 20:49:38
My URL: Visit Me


07/05/98 19:08:16
Name: Jesse Burns My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: probably Nigiri Sushi...but I don't know which specific kind I like the best Favorite Sesame Street Character: I prefer Mr. Dressup Favorite book: right now...The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, by Edward R. Tufte
Role models: Seymore Cray Favorite breakfast food: Vindaloo Shrimp

Hi Heather

07/04/98 04:34:43
Name: Ali My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: popcicle Favorite Sesame Street Character: The aliens Favorite book: Year of the Cat
Role models: Teen moms Favorite breakfast food: Hashbrowns from MacDonalds

Thanks for visiting me. Ihope you all are having a time you will never forget.

07/03/98 21:53:28
Name: Richard Angelo My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: 3 Cheese Lasagne Favorite Sesame Street Character: Cookie Monster Favorite book: Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan
Role models: 'Abdu'l Baha Favorite breakfast food: bagel with cream cheese

Thanks for visiting my web site. I took a look at your site and enjoyed "visiting".

07/03/98 02:45:48
Name: Tatiyana My URL: Visit Me
Favorite food: anything fried Favorite Sesame Street Character: The aliens
Favorite breakfast food: hash browns

Thanks for signing my guestbook. You have a very nice page. Keep up the good work and take care!

07/02/98 18:23:05
Name: Kathy Huneycutt My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: Strawberry ice cream Favorite Sesame Street Character: Never watched Sesame Street Favorite book: "IT" by Stephen King
Role models: Teenage mothers who make something of themselves Favorite breakfast food: Pancakes and bacon smothered in syrup!

Hi Heather! Sorry it's taken so long to get over here and sign your guestbook. Since I've had Cassidy, I've been really busy. I love the page. I haven't been to everything yet, but as soon as I have the time, I will. You've got such a cute family!!! Well, in case you haven't been there lately, I've really updated my page (with the help of a friend.) Come and check it out when you can!! Kathy

07/02/98 07:26:14
Name: Kilo Connor My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: Pizza Favorite book: Ain't Nobodys Business If you do. Role models: Peter McWilliams, all except for the getting AIDS and Cancer and getting arrested part.
Favorite breakfast food: Juice

Goodness! Am I the only one here without a child, or my own web page? Well one things for sure. After reading those stories about your kids childbirth, I'm not having sex with any woman I love. I would hate to have to put them through so much pain. O , well. I did 18 years without sex, I can do 18 more.

06/30/98 14:42:38
Name: erica meraz
My URL: Visit Me


06/23/98 22:10:34
Name: George McNeish My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: anthing edible Favorite Sesame Street Character: Cookie Monster Favorite book: Promulgation of Universal Peace
Role models: 'Abdu'l-Baha Favorite breakfast food: onion icecream

Thanks for signing my guest book. I just put up major changes. visit me again. Your pages are immpressive.

06/23/98 15:44:10
Name: kathleen My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Role models: my mother..
Favorite breakfast food: coffee and toast!

hey, your page is very nice... i enjoyed reading it, and good luck with your family!

06/22/98 07:10:53
Name: chrissy My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite food: Avacado
Favorite Sesame Street Character: Snuffleupagus Favorite book: A Wrinkle in Time

i like your page and your boys are beautiful! I really feel for your story about Liam's birth and I hope that it has not left you without a sense of humor. You seem like a very nice person. Thank you for stopping by my website! Cheers, Chrissy

06/21/98 03:07:11
Name: Willy Aguon My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: shrimp Favorite Sesame Street Character: Ernie Favorite book: The Firm
Favorite breakfast food: Toast

Hi neighboor,
found your sight at a guestbook (sara=geneology)

06/20/98 23:07:15
Name: Kathalise Martin My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: anything sea food Favorite Sesame Street Character: Cookie Monster Favorite book: I know why the caged Bird Sings
Role models: my husband, father, and sons Favorite breakfast food: pancakes

Very interesting site, enjoyed my visit. YOu have two beautiful children. I have sons and they slept with me in a big bed for about 4 years. They are not SERIAL KILLERS (ha) I was not able to breast feed due to illness but both daught-in-laws have and mos of my nieces and nieces-in-law/ . Thanks for a nice visit. I'll come back and see how oyu are. Kathalise Martin

06/18/98 22:16:34
Name: Shavawn and Tristan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: chinese Favorite Sesame Street Character: oscar the grouch Favorite book: hhmmmm...?????
Role models: Jesus Favorite breakfast food: eggs..

Nice page..*S* I'm glad to see you nurse your kids.I'd write more, but It's hard to type with a wiggley little boy..LOL Keep in touch, Shavawn and Tristan : )

06/18/98 15:28:48
Name: Mr. Phil My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: Very finicky Favorite Sesame Street Character: Ernie Favorite book: the Bible, Wonderful Story of Henry Surgar and 6 More, HHGttG, many more
Role models: Rich Mullins, Jeff Porcaro, several men I know personally who aren't famous to the world Favorite breakfast food: eggs on toast

Hi there Heather. Thanks for stopping by my page. Your page is cool. I'll definitely come back to visit more often!

06/16/98 15:31:20
Name: sarah My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: salad Favorite Sesame Street Character: elmo Favorite book: tim allen
Favorite breakfast food: juice

great page keep up the good work go check out my page

06/16/98 14:12:43
Name: sarah coombs My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: steak Favorite Sesame Street Character: elmo Role models: betty finlay
Favorite breakfast food: juice

great page. i love it

06/04/98 02:18:51
Name: Charlotte My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: pizza Favorite Sesame Street Character: elmo Role models: grandmother
Favorite breakfast food: cereal

Nice page.Thanks for taking the time to sign my guestbook.Would you like to join my webring,if so email me.

05/30/98 05:41:49
Name: Becky My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: pasta Favorite Sesame Street Character: ERNIE!! and Grover Favorite book: Mordant's Need
Role models: my Mother Favorite breakfast food: pasta

Heather, Thank you for visiting our page. Your boys are so adorable and your page is very nice. I liked your writing too.

05/29/98 01:57:21
Name: Cass My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Sesame Street Character: Miss Piggy
Favorite book: Pride and Prejudice Favorite breakfast food: coffee

Thanks for dropping by my homepage and signing my guestbook; I really enjoyed my visit to your site. You have done a lot of work in a short time - I am impressed, and look forward to where you take it from here.

05/29/98 00:36:50
Name: Kip My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: chocolate Favorite Sesame Street Character: The Count Favorite book: The Blue One
Role models: Tootsie , Jelly , Favorite breakfast food: Pizza

Say Hi to Jesse
Click the PicJoin our Hike to UPPER YOSEMITE FALLS, mid-morning The upper drop is about 1500ft. This p cture was taken from the Yosemite Falls trail which switchbacks its way 3000ft up to the top. Come on by and sign the guestbook if you get a chance. Kip
05/29/98 00:33:27

05/28/98 22:18:26
Name: STEVE My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite food: pizza
Favorite Sesame Street Character: ELMO,MY SONS


05/28/98 15:42:33
Name: Ilona My URL: Visit Me Favorite food: Ethnic cuisines
Favorite Sesame Street Character: Don't know Favorite book: Secret Garden was always one Role models: Actually,Grandma Moses
Favorite breakfast food: fried egg,toast and jelly,coffee

Thank you for visiting my site,I hope you had the chance to see something.You have darling children and I am so glad you made the choice to breastfeed!

05/23/98 01:07:05
Name: pat and jeannie My URL: Visit Me Favorite food: porkchops
Favorite Sesame Street Character: grover Favorite book: the stand s.king Role models: parents
Favorite breakfast food: blueberry pancakes

two newly expecting parents. thanks for the insight. ps your kids are gorgeous

05/20/98 15:38:31
Name: Amethyst
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just dropped in to say Hi! neighbor and to wish you a Happy Birthday.

05/09/98 21:24:41
Name: Nikki My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: watermelon Favorite Sesame Street Character: snuffy Favorite book: Your Pregnancy Week By Week
Role models: sister Favorite breakfast food: Bacon

Love your boys pictures and reading your stories.

05/08/98 16:57:07
Name: Tansy My URL: Visit Me Favorite food: french fries
Favorite Sesame Street Character: Grover Favorite book: anything by P.G. Wodehouse Role models: other moms
Favorite breakfast food: I hate breakfast. Couldn't I just have a grilled cheese instead?


04/27/98 19:38:05
Name: Maxx Cassidy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: Rib Roast of Beef with Bearnaise Sause and Asparagus and Artichokes Vinaigrette Favorite Sesame Street Character: The one who lived in the trash can Favorite book: Ojos de perro azul/Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Role models: Sarah Vaughn, Mel Torme Favorite breakfast food: Bacon, bacon, bacon.

I think it's totally cool that you can have free personal websites. I wish I'd done more with my own.

04/03/98 18:05:46
Name: audra My Email: Email Me Favorite food: hummus
Favorite Sesame Street Character: ernie Favorite book: Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel Role models: kate moss (kidding!)
Favorite breakfast food: bagel + chive + onion cream cheese

hi there ff! i like the dancing pooh bear on the first page! was that Liam or Sam's idea? You rock my world, breastmilk mama!

03/28/98 18:25:07
Name: Dianna My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: hazelnuts in chocolate Favorite Sesame Street Character: Cookie Monster Favorite book: The Matisse Stories
Role models: Robin Williams Favorite breakfast food: Eggs Benedict

Wow Heather! For having your computer for such a short while you certainly have accomplished a lot. I am just beginning to get a drift of it! I can see how easily one could get hooked and never have time to do off line things! It was interesting to visit our site and see the photos of your beautiful boys and wonderful friends! Thanks! Dianna Burns

03/21/98 09:03:54
Name: Jeri My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: dark chocolate Favorite Sesame Street Character: oscar the grouch Favorite book: the Bible... and then Anne of Green Gables
Role models: Jesus, my La Leche League Leader, my mom, my husband, my daughter :-) Favorite breakfast food: waffles with whipped cream and strawberries

Your website is wonderful! I've *really* enjoyed my time here. You write very, very well. I'm looking forward to reading more stories and poems written by you!! I'm glad you were able to use some of my graphics. :-) Keep up the good work. :)

03/21/98 01:21:52
Name: Kimberly My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: wonton soup & egg rolls Favorite Sesame Street Character: Da Bird Favorite book: Holy Bible
Role models: Jesus Christ, Mary Favorite breakfast food: don't like breakfast food so...wonton soup & egg rolls

Thank you for visiting my page and inviting me to yours. I enjoyed the photos of your sons. They are dolls. God bless! ~Kimberly

03/20/98 18:44:04
Name: Dean My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: anything vegan Favorite Sesame Street Character: philosophically oposed Favorite book: Gleanings
Role models: Abdu'l-Baha Favorite breakfast food: fruit salad

well, it looks like you spend a lot of time on yer new computer. that is good that it was worth buying. ummm. i haven't read everything yet. that's all for now

03/20/98 01:48:21
Name: Minz My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: Curry Chicken Rice Favorite book: HTML Programming Favorite breakfast food: Bacon & Egg

Hi Neighbor - Thank you for signing my Guest Book.
You have a great looking Web Page. A beautiful work of art.
Keep up the good work and may God richly bless you

Minz's Wonderland

Welcome to
   Minz's Wonderland  

03/18/98 20:40:32
Name: Mishkin Berteig My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: Everything!!! Favorite Sesame Street Character: Snuffy Favorite book: Bridge To Terabithia - Kathleen Patterson
Role models: My Brother Alexei, My Dad Garry, My Mom Valerie and everyone else I can learn from Favorite breakfast food: Either Porridge or Alpen

Your web stuff looks really good. I haven't explored it all yet. My wife, Melanie, and I are having our first baby in July!

03/16/98 13:27:56
Name: Monica My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: Italian, Chinese, well everything except Dutch!! Favorite Sesame Street Character: Bert and Ernie Favorite book: the Bible
Role models: Jesus Favorite breakfast food: none

Hello Heather, I promised to come and see your site, well here I am. Kids are at school now, so I have a moment for myself. Love your site. Interesting the links you have on homebirthing. In Holland women only go to the hospital to give birth when there i a medical problem. Having a baby at home with just a midwife is the usual way it goes here! Well I guess there are more differences. Being a Stay At Home Mom is very normal here too, although when the kids are a bit older some mothers do have a part-time job. Well love from Holland, give your lovely boys a BIG kiss, bye bye. Monica.

03/15/98 03:07:50
Name: Ame My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: Alaskan King Crab legs or chocolate :-) Favorite Sesame Street Character: Grover aka Super Grover LOL Favorite book: too many to list
Favorite breakfast food: fresh fruit

Great page :-) Thanks for signing my guestbook! Any at home parents passing through please check out my Moms At Home page at http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Prairie/8757

03/14/98 17:23:24
Name: Tony Lee My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite food: Pizza:)
Favorite book: have not read any book lately:) Favorite breakfast food: french toast

Hi Heather, Nice home page. You were right, it is not a coincidence. However, it was very nice of you to sign my guest book. Your kids are very cute. See ya:)

03/13/98 19:58:44
Name: Unique Woman My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: depends on the day Favorite Sesame Street Character: Cookie Monster Favorite book: Too many to name
Role models: My mother Favorite breakfast food: Scrambled eggs

Hello! I enjoyed visiting your page...Keep up the good work! Peace, Unique

03/12/98 09:49:34
Name: Mark My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: rare steak Favorite Sesame Street Character: Hmmmmmmmm Bert Favorite book: Shogun , James Clavell
Role models: My Dad Favorite breakfast food: sleep is enough for me

great page neibour , Lia told me about it.......*S* and thanx for visiting mine. will visit from time to time to see how it is going. Bye for now , Mark

03/12/98 02:40:50
Name: Judy Sivley My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: spagetti Favorite Sesame Street Character: elmo Favorite book: too many to list
Role models: many Favorite breakfast food: cereals

Just surfed in after seeing your post on another guest book. You are off to a great start here. It is a lot of fun building these pages (and work:). Have fun.......Oh by the way adorable children you have!!!!!!

03/11/98 22:17:23
Name: Erica L. Clarkson the first My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: Tzatziki Favorite Sesame Street Character: Dead heat between Oscar and the Count Favorite book: Circle of Friends by Maeve Binchy
Role models: Xena Favorite breakfast food: Fruit Loops What would you ask?: Where is the perfect man and can I put him on hold.

Your web page rocks the house heath. You are so clever. All you need is a picture of me and a Xena link. Maybe I'll just slip you a picture of Elle McPhereson instead.HAHAHAHa

03/10/98 23:42:42
Name: Sue and Grant My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: lobster(sue), steak(grant) Favorite Sesame Street Character: The Honkers Favorite book: River God (Grant)
Role models: My Mum(sue) Favorite breakfast food: French Toast, Black Pudding

If anyone wants to know, my favourite lunch is Mac and Cheese. My favourite cartoon is Dexter's Lab. I also think we get the cheese for answering from the furthest away-

03/08/98 23:15:08
Name: Mom and Bruce My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: Onions Favorite Sesame Street Character: They're just puppets!! Favorite book: Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance
Role models: Myself Favorite breakfast food: Onions What would you ask?: Eh?

Pipo ergo sum.

03/08/98 18:26:33
Name: Lia Mari My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: chocolate... LOL Favorite Sesame Street Character: kermie Favorite book: "Oh, the places you'll go"... Dr. Suess (for grown-ups as well)
Role models: My mother, father and grandparents Favorite breakfast food: oatmeal and cream of wheat

returning the courtesy of visiting the neighbors.... you said my page was better... but i am not really the one doing all the html stuff.. LOL.. i'm just writing the text and picking things out.... my guru, Mark, is putting it all up here... here is his h mepage.... http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Pointe/5730/ give his page a visit as well... hope we can meet up soon.. you appear to be quite nice... *S*.... good luck!

03/08/98 02:57:59
Name: Heather (who runs this site!) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite food: perogies, chocolate, steak... Favorite Sesame Street Character: Ernie (and I quite like Slimy-the worm as well!) Favorite book: The Seven Valleys
Role models: Bob Geldof and (of course) 'Abdu'l-Baha! Favorite breakfast food: Cheerios with rice milk

I am SO HAPPY that I finally got this set up!!! I have been trying to figure it out for the last two hours... (i am not just slow, btw, I do have two kids running all around me as well!). Now to figure out how to get some photos up!

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Heather Fairley.

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