Guys We Obsess About
A Drama Queens' Sister Site
This was once the HLA, but since I suck at updating all by myself it has become a joint site to worship every guy who is extremely hot and deserves our obsession. Some of these guys are many years older and some are not even real, but we don't judge you. Note: we are not responsible for damaged keyboards from falling drool.
Apolo Anton Ohno


Heath Ledger

Michael Pitt


Tim McGraw

The Strokes

Viggo Mortensen

11/16/02-I added the Michael Pitt Page, and I got the perfect background for it so you must check it out!! I will soon be adding new people such as E.T. Sp check back soon!

11/03/02 - I added a few more pictures to the Strokes page and now there is a very extensive bio up. Go, read, now.

8/23/02 - Wow, we have been lazy this summer.  But never fear, I have another drool worthy group of guys to add to this page, The Strokes.  Check them out and then buy their CD, Is This It. That's my shameless plug for the day.

5/4/02 - I don't know what the freak happened but somehow this whole page got deleted. I can't find all the stuff I had on it and I don't know if all the links are correct. I'll get the others to fix them sometime. Sorr

E-mail US if there is someone you liked to see, or you just want to chat.! By clicking here.