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This is the Frequently Asked Questions page for 123-Help-Adopt. It is still very much under construction.

Who is welcome on this list?
What is welcome (or allowed) on this group?
What is frowned upon in this group?
What are Hot Topics?
What does it mean when I am being moderated?
What do these abbreviations stand for?
What is spam?
What is a troll?
What is cross posting, and why isn't it allowed?

Who is welcome on this list?

Anyone who has even had a thought about adoption, to anyone who has adopted his or her umpteenth child.

What is welcome (or allowed) on this group?

Support of each other, questions regarding adoption or parenting, answers to the questions, sharing of opinions, kindness, resources (ext).

What is frowned upon on this list?

Spam, cross posting, vulgarity, pornography, insulting people, harassment, available situations of children, advertising of yourself (ext).

What are Hot Topics?

Hot topics are topics that are controversial. Seeing how the have gone in the past on this list, they are to be avoided on 123-Help-Adopt. One of the main Hot Topics is Daycare. We have some who feel quite strongly about this, so it is best kept off the list. Also Vaccinations (whether you will or won't get your child vaccinated) should not be discussed. If you would like to read up on what others think, these discussions are in the archives. Discussions including Homeschooling are allowed, but not in the form of one being better than the other, or someone being a bad parent because they do or don't.

What does it mean when I am being moderated?

Moderation means that the owner or a moderator of the group has to screen your messages. This is done when you first join to prevent
spam, trolls, and abuse. After your first couple of posts you will be taken off of moderated status. However if you are abusive or pass along spam, you may be put back onto moderated status.

What do these abbreviations stand for?

Here are some of the basics:
    DH - Dear (or darn, depending on your mood) Hubby
    BM - Bowel Movement (Some people tend to think this stands for Birth Mother, but it really doesn't. We prefer you use Bmom, or something of the sort).
    PAP - Pre-Adoptive Parent
    FWIW - For What It's Worth
    LOL - Laughing Out Loud (This tends to run into something like ROTFLPIMP *Rolling on the floor laughing peeing in my pants* when something really funny is said).
    FIL, SIL, BIL, MIL - Father, Sister, Brother, Mother In Law
    OTOH - On the Other Hand
    IMHO or IMO - In My Humble Opinion or In My Opinion
    TTYL - Talk to You Later
    TTFN - Ta Ta for Now
    *G* - Grin
    :-) - Smiley Face
    ;-) - Wink
    >:-> - Devilish Grin
    :*-) - Crying

What is spam?

Spam is any type of advertisement, whether it is for a child, another group, something to buy, and something to sell (ext.). It is not welcome on this group.

What is a troll?

A troll is a person who does nothing but cause problems in a group. There are alot of people that are against adoption under any circumstance and like to cause problems in groups such as this. Therefore trolls are generally banned as soon as they are discovered.

What is cross posting, and why isn't it allowed?

Cross Posting is when you send a message to more than one group. It is not allowed because it can cause alot of confusion, and seep things into the group that isn't supposed to be there. When you cross post, and someone replies, it sends a reply to everyone that the original message was sent. Being this group is moderated, if the original post was not allowed, someone responding to it (from another group) can send the post through. Even explaining it is confusing... Just please do NOT cross post. If you see that you are replying to a message that was cross posted, please delete all the other groups, except the one which you are replying to (whatever name is in the subject tag is the one you received it from).

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