Heroes are all around us today. Every town in America has heroes like
firefighters, policemen and women, and emergency rescue workers. Other heroes are
busy protecting us all over the world, like brave soldiers in far-off countries.

Heroes do things for us we can't do for ourselves. They are stronger, braver, and
specially trained to do their very important jobs. They may put out fires, catch criminals,
or do anything to keep bad people or bad things from hurting us.

Heroes keep us from harm and rescue us when we're hurt or in trouble. They never give up
when we need them. Many have even died to save us. That is the greatest act of a hero.

The Greatest hero who ever lived was God's Son, Jesus, and he died for you, too.
But Jesus is more than a hero, He is our Savior. Jesus came back to life again and is still
with us today.

You see, there is something dangerous inside us called sin. Sin hurts us. It also keeps us from
going to heaven when we die. And there's nothing we can do on our own to get rid of sin.

The Bible Says:

All have turned away from God; all have gone wrong. All have sinned...and the wages
of sin is death.
Romans 3:12, 23; 6:23

We need help, so God sent Jesus to earth to rescue us from our sin. Jesus was a person
like we are, but He was also God. And He has all the power that God has.

The Bible Says:

He [Jesus] died for our sins...in order to rescue us from this evil world in which we live.
Galatians 1:4

Jesus gave His life to save us. He died so that all sin would be punished and placed on Him,
even though HE was innocent. But since He was God's Son, God RAISED Jesus from the dead,
and He's still alive today, ready to be our Savior and live in us if we want Him to!

The Bible Says:

He [Jesus] was handed over to die because of our sins, and he was raised from the dead to
make us right with God.
Romans 4:25

All you have to do is tell Jesus you believe in Him and that you trust He can rescue you from your sin.

The Bible Says:

Everyone who believes in him [Jesus] will have their sins forgiven through his name.
Acts 10:43

Anyone who calls on the name of the Lord [Jesus] will be saved. Romans 10:13


Jesus, I accept the fact that I am a sinner and that
it was my sins that nailed You to the cross. I believe
that You died and rose from the dead for my sake.
I confess my sins before You now and I ask You
to come into my heart and set up Your rule and reign
as the Lord of my life. I thank You For forgiving me,
for saving me, and for helping me to follow You from
this day on.

In your name, Jesus, I Pray, Amen.

The First Five Steps for a New Believer

(1) Pray to God... He's listening. Just begin to talk with Him as your best friend.
......Luke 18:2
(2) Read the Bible...It's God's love letter to you and it is the owner's instruction manual for
......the human existence as well as the road map to get you from here to heaven.
......2 Timothy 3:16,17
(3) Be Baptized in Water...Out of obedience to the Scripture.
......"Each of you must turn from your sins and turn to God, and be baptized
......in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.
......Acts 2:38
(4) Get in Church... Because you belong to the family of God. You need His
......people and His people need you.
......Ephesians 4:11-16
(5) Share your Faith... It will strengthen your belief and encourage others
......because of your testimony.

Witnessing Tracts
Not Into Heaven Showdown In Middle East Jelly Bean Prayer
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Inspirational Stories
John 3:16
Stress Relief For Christians
Tug Of War
Pushup's For Donuts
The Carpenter
Five Finger Prayer
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Email: KLocke806@yahoo.com

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Webpage Design by: Kenneth Locke / Huntsville Alabama