First Time In Canada

More from what I think is the most bootlegged concert ever, First Time In Canada is yet another CD made up from the March 19th, 1968 Ottawa concert. If you want a review of the tracks, check out Purple Songs, or Superconcert 1968. What I will review here are the bonus tracks. The first one, Hound Dog, features Jimi on acoustic guitar and was recorded at his apartment apparently. The video footage of this can be found on the Royal Albert Hall video that was recently put out by Rising Sun, and shows Jimi sitting around playing guitar with a bunch of friends sitting around him during a party apparently. The next two (Hey Joe, Purple Haze) come from the Marquee Club, and were recorded on March 2nd, 1967. There is some slight tape distortion on these two tracks, but just a bit. The final track, Hear My Train A Comin', is Jimi on a 12 string acoustic guitar, and can be found on the officially released Blues CD.

Quality is decent throughout, I think the Ottawa tracks are just being copied over and over from CD to CD. The bonus tracks are a nice addition to a bootlegged-to-death concert. If you don't have this concert already, this is a good CD to pick it up on. And if you're a major collector, you'll want it for the bonus tracks.