This must be the web's coolest site....

"I hope to lose myself  for good, I hope to find it in the end." - 'You' by Switchfoot
Screenshot of my nice 55 sec expert game (130 3BV)
My 15 sec on intermediate (36 3BV)
My damn nice 1 sec on beginner (2 3BV)
Excel sheet with all my expert times in 2003 (Updated Dedcember 2nd, 2003)
Beginner board with 39 3BV
Missed 235 3BV board
Minesweeper recordings (Download this to watch)
55 seconds (130 3BV)
56 seconds (138 3BV)
57 seconds (135 3BV)
Her eVa!!!! :-D
58 seconds (139 3BV)
59 seconds (152 3BV) Time table
15 seconds (40 3BV) (Intermediate)
15 seconds (36 3BV) (Intermediate)
16 secoonds (43 3BV) (Intermediate)
18 seconds (57 3BV) (3,24 3BV/sec) (Intermediate)
22 seconds (70 3BV) (4,24 clicks/sec) (Intermediate)
Recording of my 61 sec (recorded from Minesweeper Player)
(Download this codec to watch):
With Player Only window
Minesweeper World Ranking (Made by Georgi Kermekchiev,
Other stuff
Billeder fra Gran Canria 2oo3:
Nicko med stiv korv! Klik her!
Vores pool...
Forvirret eVa spørger om nogen har set hendes mår (?!)
Jakob som fag
Korte fingre...
Jens i BH!
Morten Bjørn i stødet
Solnedgang set fra fly
Cool links:
Minesweeper Active Ranking
The Bristol Scale
The Moon Song (Damn funny!)
Funny pictures
Alt for meget tændt computer
Acne (Very disturbing!!)
Funny link ;)
Minesweeper page #1 (Check out the guestbook)
Internet Movie Database (
Flere fyzrapz (special wish by Ms XXX)
Nogle fyzrapz, by request!
Øvelse 2: skråt kast
Øvelse 3: Fjedre
Snorbølgers hastighed
Øvelse 8: Måling af elektronens masse
Newtons 2. lov
Newtons 2. lov - appendiks