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Original Character Tournament

The Second Original Character Tournament is now underway... I'm still waiting for fanfic clippings from a couple of the authors, but I'm not sure they're coming at all, so I'd better just get all of this stuff started ^_^ The results of the character poll showed that many of you felt (some of) the characters were just way too powerful this time around. This is what I wanted to avoid actually, but I guess you can't win 'em all, eh? Next time I plan on doing a tournament with characters much below the level of Ranma Saotome, but at least I was able to get a somewhat better balance of the characters this time around.

I've seeded the characters fighting order based on the results of the poll I got, and hopefully that will lead to the final matches being the closest. Anyways... without further delay, I present the first match of the second tourney!

[02-19-00] In the last tournament fight I got a large number of votes which I considered highly suspicious. Suspicious in what way, one might ask... Well, I think a lot of them came from the same person. Unfortunately for myself, there's no fool proof way to tell if it is the same person all the time who's sending in their votes. Most of the people who vote in the tournament matches are regular voters... the guys who pretty much always stop in and leave their comments. Whenever I get votes from people with nothing to say all on the same day, I get the feeling that they're from the same person. Since this isn't some elitist site where only 'members' can vote, I can't automatically disregard what they send in... but at the same time, it really makes me mad to think people are cheating. I mean... what in the world is the point? This is all just for fun. If you're reading this, and you know you're a cheater, please don't visit my site. I don't mind getting very few votes on my battles, as long as it's honest.

On another note, if you are one of the creators of a character, please don't contact all the friends you know by email and tell them to vote on the site for the battles your character is in just so they'll win, especially if they have no idea what Ranma 1/2 is, and don't really care. I don't want these battles to be popularity contests of the character creators. Ideally, I want everyone to vote impartially on the battles, even if it is just the same 3 or 4 people every time ^_^

Anyways, this hasn't been a big problem, but I want to get this off my chest before it becomes one. Thanks.

[4-11-00] Well, the opinion poll before the tournament apparently wasn't as successful as I had hoped. The first two matches thus far have been upsets... That's totally fine with me. It wouldn't be that much fun if the fights were completely predictable.. however, it has me a little worried about how even the final matches are going to be if only one of the big 'power-house' types makes it to the end. Don't let this effect your voting decisions, however =) As usually, I'm way behind on updating everything... I hope to get it back on schedule for the next fight... My usual rate is 1 fight per month. Any less time than that, and I really won't get enough votes, and it'll just be decided by the first couple of die hards who are actually on the mailing list ^_^ If I rotate it too slowly, however, I'm sure interest will quickly decline, which is not something I want at all considering the effort the authors have put into their characters. Anyways... Enough ranting from me! On with the show...

[5-21-00] Looks like interest in the tournament battles is starting to decline in a major way. Maybe it was just the one match that people didn't find very interesting, but it was quite a drop off... Then again, I haven't left this fight up for as long as the last one. Well... I don't know. I guess there isn't much point speculating about it ^_^ If you didn't vote in the previous match, I encourage you to vote in the current one. If you, for some reason, find yourself losing interest, and have any suggestions for me as to how I could get it back, please send them my way.

Oh.. and one other thing. To anyone who has been paying attention, I messed around with the way the tournament tree was set up. Due to a couple of upset victories, things pretty much got knocked off the predictable course, and the way things were going, it looked as though the final match would be very, very lop-sided. I didn't really want to intervene, but I felt it was necessary =) These tournaments come so few and far between, that I don't want to make the ending a let down. If you have any objections to this, please let me know.

[10-28-00] Well, I'm sure that not many people are even paying attention to what goes on here any more, since it's been a little over 5 months since I've updated this part of the page. At any rate, I thank those of you who have stuck with me all this time. I've gotten a few mails over the months asking about a third tournament, and submissions and such. To answer those, I'm not accepting new characters right now, but I will after this tournament is all said and done, depending on if there's enough interest and such. As I've already said in the past, if I do another tournament, it will be with only 'lower-tier' characters, so if you have any ideas, you can get them ready in advance ^_^

At any rate... Although this has never been a large problem, and I doubt any battle outcomes would have changed had I said this earlier, I wanted to get it out in the air, just in case. These battles are not really popularity contests, but fights ^_^ That might sound obvious, but I find in people's comments references to a character's personality being likable and such... Wether one of the characters is good or evil, nice or mean, annoying or pleasant, keep in mind that what you're voting on is who would beat the other in a fight. That's all... Maybe someday I'll have a vote on who could sing karaoke the best, or cook the best, but until then, it's all about the fighting skill of each character and how their unique traits match up to those of their opponents. Anyway, thanks for voting everyone, and please don't lose all hope in me ^_^

On to the Battle!

In case you had forgotten who they are, here are the characters for the second tournament! Read them all over before you make your votes please.

Hayato Miyauchi - submitted by Spanner

Sharon Wei - submitted by Hitman25

Reiko Satomi - submitted by Thrythlind

Matoko Hibiki - submitted by Mercedes

Johnny Walker - submitted by Jarvis

Reijin Saotome - submitted by Isis' Shadow

Chen Zheng - submitted by ChronoT

Sirach Shinra - submitted by Ryouga Hibiki '99

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