Some of the characters tend to mention something called "the group" - mainly Yoru and Kohji & so this page is here to explain it all. Why are they called "the group"? Because a "gang" of (mostly) underaged hookers and hustlers sounds kinda pathetic. Especially since they don't act like a gang either... they're just a group of friends with some irregular things in common. Here they will be introduced (except for Kohji.)
Tohru is the oldest member, he's 21 years old. He left home when he was 15 and became a hustler by the time he turned 16.Currently, he is in a relationship with Kohji & usually stays at his house. Tohru's cousin Nobu was once a member too, & that was how he was introduced to the group.
Risa is the green-haired wild child with a vocabulary to envy Kohji's. She met up with the group when she was about 13 and now she is almost 17 years old. She loves to have a good time & is prone to trying to get people to dance with her when she is drunk. Her boyfriend is Kyo.
Kyo is 17 years old and the only group member that is not a prostitute. That's not to say that he hasn't done what was neccessary to get money for his drug addiction, but mainly those events are few and far between. He has a quirky sense of humor & it's sometimes unclear whether or not he's actually making a joke or being serious.
Mai is almost 19 years old and is the one that gets along the least with the rest of her "friends". She can be very cruel when she wants to be and often picks uneccessary fights with others, especially Yoru. She used to be very close to Yoru, but she betrayed him about something and they've been on bad terms ever since.
Former Members include: Yoru, Yuuto, Nobu, & "Baby".
"Baby" as her friends called her was the youngest out of the group. Her father and mother met in India, when her father was there on a trip. After Baby was born, her mother abandoned her and her dad & they returned to Japan. Her father died when she was young and after being juggled around between foster homes, Baby eventually ran away and began her life on the street. She was attacked early one morning as she was walking home and beaten so badly that she fell into a coma. Eventually she succombed to her injuries and passed away at the age of 15.
Yuuto was the first-born son of two wealthy doctors. His younger brother is Hajime. When he was 16, he met Nobu, a hustler who he started to date, and began falling in with the "wrong" crowd. When he was 17, he left home to live on his own and began to hustle and deal drugs to support himself. He found Yoru the night he had run away from the orphanage and befriended him, teaching the young boy all the tricks to living off the street. Yuuto began to see less of his family & refused to let them know where and how he was living. When he was 20, only a few months before his death, Yuuto had been secretly dating Yoru & was looking forward to starting med school. Only Yoru knows the complete truth about his death.
Nobu is now about 24 years old. When Kohji left home to live on the streets, Nobu was the one who took him in to live with him. Whether or not this was a good thing is up for discussion. Nobu appears to be kind and gentle to most people, but once he has someone alone he is completely different. He's extremely sadistic & enjoys to terrify as well as injure his victims.