Sundae Gukbab

It is not so familiar for Sundae gukbab place is in this area. Cuz, Sundae gukbab is used to be the man's food.Sundae is a sausage made of beef and beancurd stuffed in pig intestine and Sundae gukbab is a pork soup mixed with sliced sundae sausages. There is a unique smell of Sundae that many sensitive people, especially women dispise it.Anyway, you can try Sundae gukbab here. I know there are sometime that you really need it. When you are drunken heavily, I think Sundae gukbab is the best for the next morning.
It really works!

Recommending menus

Sundae gukbab 4000Won
Sundae regular 5000Won

Restaurant Information

Tel. 02-363-9322
Opens at 9 AM