High Flying Fuzzy Lop Specialty Club
Ameican Fuzzy Lop
Show Results
National Show Results




Danny Stewart glows after his Silver Marten wins BIS

Kelley Tapp and Leslie Dorrance talk in San Diego in exhibit hall.

AK's Lassen (LT11) owned and bred by Adam & Kendall Green won youth BOS at ARBA Convention




Mollie Dorrance and Kendall Green pose for the camera at 2001 ARBA Convention

Broken doe owned by Kelley and Bob Tapp

HFF members relax at a specialty show in Orland, CA




Judge Cathy Szychulda evaluates a Fuzzy Lop while exhibitors look on.

FBR's Gala      Blue Tort Doe

Owned by Sarah Menefee

Quilt made by Lorena Ferchaud is being raffled by HFF. Winner will be selected at the National show in April.