King of the jungle
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Highzone's mind © 2003
Highzone's Mind
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Here you can read some personal stuff like poetry, a gallery with some disformed pictures, some criticism and other things. Yes, just the things you've been waiting for... But I will try to put some usefull stuff too, but what exactly ? If you got a pretty good idea, than tell me in the contact page.

I've experienced strange things in my life, some too strange to tell. But I'm sure that I'm not the only one !


What about the latest caveman mentality ? Talking about the islam people... Everytime they got something on their mind, they got violent. Talking is something that they never heard of, always violence as an answer.
Is it not normal that they are linked directly to being a terrorist ? Well if they should change their violent behavior, maybe we can think otherwise.
See the cartoons that are just a cartoon !!!