Hindu Puraan

Hindu Puraan-Spiritual Stories

5-Yaagyavalkya and Maitreyee

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5-Dialog of Yaagyavalkya and Maitreyee

The following story is taken from Ken Upanishad. It is the dialog between Devtaa and a Yaksh about Devtaa's egoism.

Yaagyavalkya, the greatest seer and sage, said - "Maitreyee, Verily, I am going away from this house into the forest to enter another order of life (Sanyaas); therefore let me divide my property between you and Kaatyaayanee." Maitreyee said - "My venerable Lord, If this whole world with all its wealth belongs to me, tell me truly, could I attain immortality?" "No," replied Yaagyavalkya, "Like the life of rich people will be your life; but there is no hope of obtaining immortality by wealth."

Maitreyee said - "Of what use would be then wealth to me, if I do not become thereby immortal? Tell me, O my venerable Lord, any means of attaining immortality of which thou knowest." Yaagyavalkya replied - "Come, sit down, my beloved Maitreyee, I will explain it to thee. Try to understand well what I say."

Yaagyavalkya said - "Verily, not indeed for the husband sake the husband is dear, but for the
sake of the Self the husband is dear. Verily, not indeed for the wife sake the wife is dear, but for the sake of the Self the wife is dear. Verily, not indeed for the sake of the son the son is dear, but for the sake of the Self the son is dear. Verily, this immortal all-pervading Aatmaa or Brahm is to be seen, heard, reflected and meditated upon, O Maitreyee, Aatmaa Vaare Drashtavyah Srotavyo Mantayo Nididhyasitavyah. O Maitreyee, When there is duality, one sees the other, one smells the other, one tastes the other, one salutes the other, one speaks to the other, one touches the other, one knows the other, but when the Self or Aatmaa only is all this, how could one see the other, how could he smell the other, touch the other, know the other? How could he know Him by whom he knows all this? That Self is to be described by No, No (Neti, Neti). Aatmaa nor the Supreme Self is imperishable. He is free and unattached. He is not subject to pain or destruction. How could one know the knower? Thus, O beloved Maitreyee, Thou hast been instructed".

Having said this, Yaagyavalkya went to the forest.



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Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on 3/15/2005, and Updated on 06/07/2009
E-mail:  hindupuraan@yahoo.com