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Personal pages Personal pages ...
In order to protect the privacy of the people that appear in the photos on these pages, I've tried to avoid using names, and where names are present I've elected to use only people's initials. 
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Potato & Leek Soup 
Chilli, Spinach & Olive Pasta 
Creamy Chicken & Mushroom Pasta 
French Onion & Honey Bread 
Vegetarian Spaghetti Sauce
Blackforest Cheesecake

My Research Reading, listening, viewing...

Favourite Recipes

Under Construction.


Reading, listening, viewing...
As a PhD student, it's inevitable that I'd like reading. In fact, I like anything that can increase the likelihood of a good procrastination session! Therefore, I've listed below some of my favourite books/authors, CDs/artists, and movies. No doubt this list will be forever expanding... (and many thanks to DM for giving me the idea of including this stuff!)
On the bookshelf...
Hanef Koureshi - "Intimacy" Patricia Cornwell - all titles Sue Grafton - all titles
Elizabeth George - all titles Alistair Ping - "Be" Author - "Midwives"
DSM-IV (Ok, maybe that's not a favourite, but I sure use it a lot!) Sesame Street - "The Monster at the End of This Book"  (don't knock it until you've read it!) Tim Winton - "The Riders"

What's on my CD player at the moment...?
Anastacia - "Freak of Nature" and "Anastacia" Kylie - Fever
"O Brother Where Art Thou?" soundtrack Daft Punk - "Discovery"
"City of Angels" soundtrack PaulMac - "3000 Feet High"
The Black Crowes - "Shake Your Money Maker" Triple J Hottest 100 (all volumes)

Movies that appeal...
City of Angels Any science-fiction movie The Red Shoes
O Brother Where Art Thou? The Unbearable Lightness of Being Good Will Hunting
Sweet November Fight Club Dogma
Chasing Amy Moulin Rouge Bootmen


My Research
The study I am conducting looks at relationship communication patterns. It is hoped that by completing this research, therapists such as myself will be able identify the things are likely to affect the quality of communication within relationships. The research team is interested in looking at how you and your partner communicate during a videotaped exercise within a confidential environment at Griffith University. Each partner in the relationship will then be given the opportunity to reflect on this exercise, with a view to finding why people communicate the way they do. Eventually this will help us continue our efforts at designing better, more effective treatment models for use in marital therapy.

At this stage, I am simply collecting the names and contact details of people who would be willing to participate. A member of the research team will then contact you, provide you with further information, and possibly make an appointment to meet with both you and your partner. If you haven’t already done so, it is suggested that you use this time to confirm with your partner their willingness to participate in this study, as we will require consent from both people.

With this in mind, do you think you and your partner would be willing to contribute to a study such as this one? 

Participation in this study will mean that you and your partner will need to travel to Griffith University’s Psychology Clinic at Mt Gravatt. Once there, you will meet with a member of the research team. The study will involve you and your partner performing a brief communication exercise, which will be videotaped in a confidential environment. Each partner in the relationship will then be given the opportunity to reflect on this exercise, with a view to finding why people communicate the way they do. You will also be asked to complete a few brief questionnaires. If you would like, you can also be given feedback as to your participation. Participation in this project should take no longer than 1 ½ to 2 hours.

Want to volunteer to participate? Send me an email and I'll be in touch!
