3D Graph Explorer Screenshot
Click here to download 3D Graph Explorer.

To run double click, or type "java -jar uvmodeller.jar" in command line after you download.

To preview as an applet click on the button:
Note: Some features like save/load are disabled when 3D Graph Explorer is run as an applet.

Note: You need JRE 1.4.2 or higher to run this program. If you don't already have it, get it here.
And if you want to check out some results... click here.

3D Graph Explorer 1.00a

Remember those functions f(x,y) from highscool? Ellipsoids, hyperboloids, hyperbolic parabolids, and what not... Ever wished you had an utility that could show you those surfaces? Well, your wish is fulfilled! Behold, for here comes 3D Graph Explorer! This program lets you plot, and interactively view 3D surfaces and curves described by mathematical functions. This is my first major project in Java, and unlike Graph Explorer this time I used a parser generator called JavaCC, which I found quite easy to use.

3D Graph Explorer is also known as UVModeller.



Click here to see some examples to get an idea about what can be done with 3D Graph Explorer.

Version History

V 1.00Well, this is the first time I gave it a version number...
V 1.00aObjects now have a little bit of shinyness. No bugs found... so none fixed!