Refugium Page

This newly setup refugium is about 1 month old , The inflow to the refugium in by an Eheim 2213 which draw water from the display tank , then output it to the refugium. and the water back to the display tank is gravity fed. Lighting of the refugium is by 2 NO 6700K daylight fluorescent .

Aim of the refugium

The aim of the refugium in my case is to help reduce nitrate level in the display tank. So a variety of macro algaes are grown . Of course came along with the macros are many critters , Amphipods , copepods and many other little bugs and mini brittle stars , I too hope that the refugium serves as a breeding ground for these beneficial critters.

Macro Algaes grown in the refugium

Still searching for macro's name

View of whats in the refugium. View of the refugium and the display tank.

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