The Tents of History
Part 17. Links
Edited by Stephen Francis Wyley
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Picture Links
Under investigation
General Links
Period Tent Makers

Picture Links

113 A.D. (Trajan's Column,  the square of the Forum of Trajan, Rome)
12th-13th century A.D. (John Skylitzes Chronicle)
A replica of one of the bell tents from the John Skylitzes Chronicle (12th - 13th century).

A replica of a bell tent from the Maciejowsky Bible, 1250 A.D.
1270 A.D. (Psautier de St.Louis)
13th century (Chanson de Roland)
13th century (The Encampment of Jenghis Khan)
A replica of a bell tent from the 13th century 'Cantigas de Santa Maria'
1312- 1317 A.D. (Simone Martini, Scenes from the Life of St. Martin, St. Martin Renounces his Weapons)
1312- 1317 A.D. (Simone Martini, Scenes from the Life of St. Martin, St. Martin Renounces his Weapons)
1312- 1317 A.D. (Simone Martini, Scenes from the Life of St. Martin, St. Martin Renounces his Weapons)
1314 A.D. (Rashid al-Din’s Jami al-Tawaikh)
1328 A.D. (Simone Martini, Fresco of Guidoriccio da Fogliano at the Siege of Monte Massi)
1328 A.D. (Simone Martini, Fresco of Guidoriccio da Fogliano at the Siege of Monte Massi)
1328 A.D. (Simone Martini, Fresco of Guidoriccio da Fogliano at the Siege of Monte Massi)

1400 A.D. (Grandes Chroniques de France)

Assassination of Sigibert I.
Louis the Pious driving away his son Pepin I, King of Aquitane.
Charles the Fat receiving messengers.
Third Crusade, Surrender of Acre to Phillip Augustus and Richard the Lion-Hearted, king of England (1191).

14th century (Mongol Court)
14th century (Chroniques de St. Denis)
14th century (The Catalan Atlas)
1425-1452 A.D. (Lorenzo Ghiberti, ‘Gates of Paradise’ (East Doors))
1454-1458 A.D. (Piero Della Francesca, The Vision of Constantine)
1460 A.D. (Giovanni Bettini, Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS Canon. Class lat. 81)

1465 A.D. (King Rene of Anjou, Le Cueur d' Amours Espris (The book of the Heart Possessed by Love))

“Tent of Hope.”
“Meeting by the stream.”
“Honour’s Tent.”

About 1475 A.D.(The wagenburg of the Hussite Wars from Das Mittelateriche Hausbuch)
Details from the bronze doors of Castel Nuovo in Naples, built in 1475
1489 A.D. (Hans Memlinc, The Shrine of Saint Ursula)
1490 A.D. (Jacopo del Sellaio, Ahasuerus’s Banquet)
1490 A.D. (Jacopo del Sellaio, Ahasuerus’s Banquet)

15th century (Jean Froissart, Chroniques de Froissart)

The Joust of St Ingilbert

The English crossing the Tyne, Anglo-Scottish War
Battle of Cassel, the French combat the Flemish (1328)
Siege of Hennebont, Charles of Blois, Duke of Brittany, besieges Hennebont (1342)
Charles of Blois, Duke of Brittany, is taken prisoner at the Battle of La Roche-Derrien (1347)
Edward III of England besieging Reims (1359/60)
King Peter the Cruel taken Prisoner
French and English forces at the Battle of Chizè (1373)
Bertrand du Guesclin laying siege to Brest (1374)
The French lay siege of Duras (1377)
Castilians besiege Lisbon (1384)
Roalès besieged by the English (1387)
Jousts of Saint Inglevet
Genoese besieging Mahdia, in Tunis (1390)
Before an assembly of French and English nobles, Charles VI entrusts to an English envoy his daughter, Isabella of France, betrothed to King Richard II of England
Massacre of Christian prisoners taken (at) the Battle of Nicopol, in the presence of the Ottoman Sultan Bayezid I

15th century ? (Timur the Lame being entertained near Samarkand)
Early 16th century (The Storming of Nantes)
1520 A.D. (Two pike schiltrons clash in this German wood cut)
1529 A.D. (Albrecht Altdorfer, ‘The Battle of Issus’)
1539-1543 A.D. (Mir Sayyid Ali, Majnun being brought by a beggar women to Laila’s tent)
1540 A.D. (Mir Sayyid Ali, Life in the City and Life in the Camp)
1544 A.D. (The Siege of Boulogne by Henry VIII)
1555 A.D. (Die Erloesung by Lucas Cranach the Younger)

Under investigation

1360 A.D. Italian camp.
14th - 15th century Provenance unknown.
15th century Italian treatise on Military Engineering, 'De Machinis' by Paolo Santini (Lat. MS. 7229, Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, (13v-14r)
15th century ? "(French) the Commander of Châteauneuf du Randon Surrending his keys to Bertrand du Guesclin.

Jean Froissart Chronicles ?
1546 A.D. Lucas Cranach d. Ä.: Der Jungbrunnen, 1546. (The Fountain of Youth).
1560 A.D. allegory bruegel pieter after, 1525-1569, la temerance, engraving 1560
16th century Russian
1686 A.D. Alessandro Paolo Abbiati, "Girolamo Cornaro", Procurator of San Marco. Engraving, Mr & Mrs Marcus Sopher Collection
17th century Anonymous, German Biblical Illustration
? Anonymous, Italian Biblical Illustration
Persian Tents From an article by Steven and Amanda Baker Asian Art. S Meyers, T Copplestone, 1966, Hamlyn, London Figure 2 
Art of Central Asia. G Pugaachenkova & A Khakimov. 1988. Aurorn Art Publishers, Leningrad. Figure 3
Islamic Art. Ed. Pratapaditya Pal,, 1973, Los Angeles Country Museum of Art Figure 5
Islamic Art David Talbot Rice, 1965, Thames and Hudson, London. Figure 9 
Persian Painting. Basil Gray, 1961, Skira Rizzoli, New York Figure 1 
Religion at the Crossroads. J Milton, R Steinberg & S Lewis, 1980, Cassell, London Figure 11,12 
 The Mongol Empire. Peter Brent, 1976, the Book club Assoc, London Figure 6, 7,
The Rise of Islam, H Bondi, A Bullock, W Gordon-East, D Piper & B Williams, 1969, Marshall Cavendish Books Ltd, London Figure 4 
The Treasures of Islam. Ed Toby Falk, 1985, Philip Wilson Pub. Ltd. London Figure 10 
 Islamic Textiles. Patricia L Baker, 1995, British Museum Press. Figure 13 
Yurt Provenance unknown.

General Links

Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris.

One thousand illuminations : the treasures of the Manuscripts department
Jean Froissart, Chronicles, 15th Century. (BNF FR 2643)
Jean Froissart, Chronicles, 15th Century. (BNF, FR 2644)
Jean Froissart, Chronicles, 15th Century. (BNF, FR 2645)
Jean Froissart, Chronicles, 15th Century. (BNF, FR 2646)

Stephen Bloch's Surviving Medieval Pictures of Tents and Pavilions.

Gateway to Art History.

Getald (Anglo-Saxon) Patterns


Mongolian Yurt.

The Mongolian felt tent.

Nomad Tent Types in the Middle East by Peter Alford Andrews

Period Encampment Email List


LacusCurtius: Into the Roman World

Viking Tent Information.

Wedge Tents

Replica wedge tents used in the UK.

Period Tent Makers

Bojo Products (Bob Ellis)
PO Box 112
AVENEL VIC 3664 Australia
0412 368034
0357 962753

Dragonwing, Medieval Pavilions and Tents (USA)

Manning Imperial (Australia)
(Craig Sitch)
PO. Box 27 Redan
Vic Australia 3350
 Phone/Fax: 03 5338 8995

Past Tents (UK)

Chris Dickins
Patch's Canvas Manufacturing Pty Ltd
115 Hattam Street
Golden Square
Bendigo, Vic  3555, Australia
(03) 5442-3211 ph
(03) 5441-6357  fax

 Spinning Winds Pavilions and Tents (USA)

Tentsmiths (USA)

 Angela Vanzella, Yoretymes emporium of History (Australia)

This page was last updated on the 9th March 2004

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Copyright © Stephen Francis Wyley 1999 - 2004