


The Statement

Cruelty to Spike


The Members

James Marsters



Jealous Guy

The Final Sunset

The Collective




...the statement...



February 23rd, 2001: A Little gap in time between my logs.. but as I said in May -- With the Fifth Season more pain for Spike would probably be included. I was right.
This webpage is on it's 3rd design. The graphics this year have to do with Spike's Obsession/Love with Buffy.. and how she's ripped him to pieces.. Thus the title for this version: TORN.
So far this year, Spike has gotten staked with a plastic stake, lost his girlfriend, had his chances with Buffy stomped upon, His invitation revoked.. Experienced flashbacks with horrible wigs, Argued with a
Mannequin and the chip still controls him.. And we're only halfway through the season. The upside to all this.. is mass character development and wonderful chances for
James Marsters to express his acting ability.
Anyways.. I hope you enjoy this website and it proves to you that Spike is indeed a tortured vampire.



September 24th, 2000: Well... Only two more days till the season five premiere. I've heard that Spike wont be around much in the first episode. In last season's finale he wasn't really around except for some rather embarrassing moments.. such as Swinging on a swing in daylight with Giles .. wearing a suit.. claiming that Giles is going to teach him how to become a Watcher. The greatest moment was when Giles claimed that 'Spike is like a son' to him. The other moment was Spike's black and white photo shoot in his Crypt-Home.

May 22nd, 2000: Haven't really added anything to the statement for awhile now huh?
Well, it takes the cake, the season finale will air tomorrow and more horrific things will probably happen to Spike(let's hope not), it's been a hell of a season for Spike and James Marsters,
becoming an official cast member was a big deal, getting a chip in his head another one. There have been ups and downs for Spike this season, one UP apparently was 'Something Blue' *g*.. As the fifth season slowly approaches we can only guess there will be more reasons for PETS to exist:)

January 20th, 2000: They've done it again. This time by the one who made him the way he is today.
Riley (Marc Blucas) is now in front of Spike (James Marsters) in the third version of the opening credits on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The man who ruined Spike's life is ahead of him?

December 17th, 1999: Since September 29th 1997 I've witnessed more than enough cruel things happen to Spike, From hair catching on fire to having Angel take his girlfriend away. hell, he was even shot with arrows! and I wont even go into all the fanfic and the lists and lists of things that happen to him in those.

This page wont put a stop to anything, I'm just having fun. But when I see Spike get royally screwed over on the show it upsets me...

I've been compiling lists of all the things that have happened to him since his appearance on the show in season two...please go look:

C R U E L T Y - T O - S P I K E