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Group photo B CHan Tony Andy Chris B Chan Tony Andy Chris


I’ve spent 5 years in Canada studying high school. When I was in grade 10, I’ve taken a class called information technology that is quite similar to now my information processing class. As the computer technology develops in an extremely high speed, I realize that I’ve fallen behind what’s the newest computer technology. It’s the main reason why I take information processing to just keep myself an updated person.

So far, in this class, I’ve learned how to use dream weaver to create websites, what makes a desktop computer works, and most importantly, how computer process the information. The class is going pretty well, not too fast, not too slow. I have no regret of taking this class.


I am just a very normal student in my past life experience. My most meomrable thing is that I became a committee member of student union in Form 6. I had a great time in that year. It was a very challeging and funny task to me. At that time, I also created a website for student union by using FrontPage. It is quite funny to creat a website.

I am glad that I come to CIE, because I can make many new friends such as my group members. They are very funny and nice. And I have a hope to get into the degree, so I will never give up. From this subject I can learn many new skills in computer and I think that these are very interesting and funny. I am very relax in the class because everyone are very happy and funny, so I quite love this subject. I hope that I can learn more skills to make my own website in the future.


I am now is 20 years old seem like you, is a student which is studies in CIE~ In the free time or holidays I like to play basketball with my friends~

Recently I got a deep interest in dancing. I think this is very interesting. In 13/11/04 I have a show that is for the BUDA freshmen. And the name of the show is called Mass Dance, I am the one of them I got the good experience in it ~

I think CIE is a good place for us to improve ourselves, because in CIE you will learn a lot of different subjects that you never learn. And all subject are full of challenged. Which like computer lesson, I feel interesting in it because I never studies computer before so I feel fresh in it I know I need to work hard to get a high grade so I will try my best that I can. I love CIE and I live computer lesson ~! ^^

From this project I learn a lot communication skill and I meet a lot new friends like Tony, B, Andy etc…all of them are very nice. They will teach me when I got problems during this project. And the second things I learn is I know much deep of the computer, before I just know the basic of the computer like type words play games…but now I know about how the computer performance and now to make a homepage I think this skill will very useful in my further so how about you? What do you learns from this project??? HaHaHa.............. The time is running short see u next time ~!

B Chan

The school life of CIE is very BUSY and totally indifferent to secondary school. In secondary school, all of the studying must be followed by the teachers. However,in CIE, everything is handled by myself. Although it can not have any guide to help me to work, it can help me to build up myself. When I find out the solution by myself, I think it was the time I had learn more. And I think study in CIE also can let me learn how to co-operation with my partners, because we need to do many projects that is scondary school haven't.

At the start of Information processing, I think this is very difficult to study, because it is for advance level. After the half of the first semester, I learn lot of information about computer such as its technology, history, structure. I also learn how to use some application software too. In addition, I know many of new friends. When we study and work together, although sometime it made us felt tired, we found many interest things in the study. Thus, I enjoy the Information Processing.


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